
Talking with a customer about a refund on the phone
I bought your product last week, but it broke this morning. I would like a refund, please.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I bought your product last week, but it broke this morning. I would like a refund, please.

I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Could you mind explaining the situation first? Where has our product been?


I'm sorry for your inconvenience. Would you mind explaining the situation first? Where has our product been?

1. "Would" is used to express a willingness to do something.

2. Here is an alternative expression, "what happened."
Well, when I bought it I removed it from its packaging and placed it on my shelf. When I turned it on this morning to use it for the first time it did not go on.

I really appreciate your explanation. Let me confirm two things. First, didn't you drop it on your way home at the date when you bought it? Second, didn't you change the buttery when you tried to use? It's bacause the buttery attached is for tests to cofirm if you can turn on it, so sometimes the buttery doesn't work well.


I really appreciate your explanation. Let me confirm two things. First, didn't you drop it on your way home on the date when you bought it? Second, didn't you change the battery when you tried to use it? It's because the battery attached is for tests to confirm if you can turn it on, so sometimes the battery doesn't work well.

1. "On" is used when indicating the day or part of a day during which an event takes place. Wrong spelling.

3. There is a missing object after the verb.

4. Note that "because" is misspelled. However, the phrase itself may be redundant in this context.

7. A phrasal verb is a verb that’s made up of two or more words. Often, the object of a phrasal verb can be placed in the middle of the phrasal verb or directly after it (e.g., send the documents over or send over the documents). But if the object is a pronoun, it usually has to go in the middle of the phrasal verb (e.g. send it over, not send over it).
I did not drop it but I thought the machine doesn't come with a battery so I opened it to then discover that it has an inbuilt battery.

Exactlly it has an inbuilt battery, but we would like you to try another battery. If you are fully available right now, Could you please try that? I'm sorry for bothering you.


Exactly, it has an inbuilt battery, but we would like you to try another battery. If you are readily available right now, could you please try that? I'm sorry for bothering you.

1. Wrong spelling. Use commas after introductory clauses, phrases, or words that come before the main clause.

2. This is a natural expression.

3. Don't capitalize words that do not start a sentence.
Okay, let me do that right away...
Well, I have done as you have instructed but nothing seems to be happening.

Oh, really. I'm afraid that there is something wrong with it. We'll send you new one, so let me know your location. Possibly it takes a cupple of days to arrive in your place. I'm sorry for this matter.


Oh, really. I'm afraid that there is something wrong with it. We'll send you a new one, so let me know your location. Possibly it takes a couple of days to arrive at your place. I'm sorry for this issue

1. There is a missing article.

2. Here is an alternative expression, "tell."

3. Wrong spelling.

4. "At" is used when expressing location.

5. This is a natural expression.
It is alright. The address is ABC street. Did you write that down? Can you repeat it to me so I can see if you got the name right?

Ok. Your address is A, B as in book, C street. Just in case, can I have your postal code?


Ok. Your address is A, B as in book, C Street. Just in case, can I have your postal code?

1. In instances where a road or street name refers to a specific place that is a proper title, all words within it (including words such as Road, Street, and Avenue) are capitalized.
  • expiration(〔契約などの〕満期)
  • disclaimer(免責条項)
  • guarantee((名)〔製品の〕保証(書)、(動)保証する)
  • warranty(〔製品の〕(品質)保証(書))
  • reputation(評判)
  • conditional(条件付きの)
  • unconditional(無条件の)
  • legal(法律(上)の)
  • documentation(証拠書類、参照文献)
  • reimbursement(返済)
  • The state of the art electronics justifies the high price tag.(最新の電子機器を搭載しているため、高額な価格設定になっています。)
  • We believe that customer satisfaction is second to none.(私たちは、お客様の満足度はどこにも負けないと考えています。)
  • You should never sign an important document without reading the fine print.(重要な書類には、細かい文字を読まずにサインしてはいけません。)
  • If you show your proof of purchase, you'll receive a free gift!(ご購入証明書をご提示いただくと、もれなくプレゼントを差し上げます。)
  • Can I get reimbursed for the shipping costs?(発送費は払い戻していただけますか?)
  • What documentation do I need to provide?(どの書類の提出が必要ですか?)
  • We offer an unconditional guarantee.(無条件の補償を提供いたします。)
  • What is the expiration date of the warranty?(補償有効期限はいつですか?)
  • We offer an extended warranty.(補償期間の延長をいたします。)
  • Have you kept the original wrapping material?(包装紙を保管していますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • 電話応対
  • 要件を伝える