
Allocating work to your team members
We are ready to receive your instructions regarding this project.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
We are ready to receive your instructions regarding this project.

The boss wants us to report back by tomorrow on the results of the survey we took from our clients last week. While I begin to consolidate and analyze the results, would you prompt those customers who have not yet responded to do so?


The boss wants us to report back by tomorrow on the results of the survey we took from our clients last week. While I begin to consolidate and analyze the results, would you prompt those customers who have not yet responded to our survey?

1. We never say "respond to do something" in English. The correct syntax is "respond to + noun" such as "respond to a letter."
Oh, we are working on a tight schedule, aren't we? Could we possibly do the survey online? I don't think I could personally collect the data.

Yes, we are. Between us, I think our boss expects us too much.
Doing the survey online is a good idea. Let's do that. Do you know which customers have not yet responded? If you are not sure, I will send you the data soon.


Yes, we are. Between us, I think our boss expects us too much.
Doing the survey online is a good idea. Let's do that. Do you know which customers have not yet responded? If you are not sure, I will send you the data soon.

1. Your sentence was correct. You can also say, "It's a good idea to do the survey online."
No need, I have the list already. To be honest with you, his expectations are causing me a lot of stress these past few weeks.

Okay, then, let me know when all customers will have responded.
Yes, I agree with you. In my opinion, he occasionally decreases our effectiveness by messing up what we are doing.
After this task, I will talk about it with him, I think.


Okay, then, let me know when all customers    have responded.
Yes, I agree with you. In my opinion, he occasionally decreases our efficiency by messing up what we are doing.
After this task, I will talk about it with him, I think.

1. As a rule of thumb, we don't use "will" in a when-clause even when we talk about the future. For example, we say, "When I see him tomorrow," not "when I will see him."
2. I suppose you are talking about "efficiency" in business, which refers to productivity in a reasonable amount of time. "Effectiveness" refers to the effect of something, such as "the effectiveness of a drug/ plan/ action."
I think you should talk to him to make the tasks clear and for our team to complete the tasks properly. He will improve on it for sure.

Yes, I will. He was transfered to this department last month and he's not familiar with out tasks yet, I guess. He would listen to us politely and eagerly, I hope.


Yes, I will. He was transferred to this department last month and he's not familiar with our tasks yet, I guess. He will listen to us politely and eagerly, I hope.

1,2. The spelling mistake was corrected.
3. There is no need to use "would" as your sentence is just about what you hope will happen in the future. "Would" can be used in the subjunctive mood such as unlikely imaginary situations.
I hope so too. How about we go and talk to him together? I think he will be more willing to listen to two or more people instead of just one.

I would be glad if you do so.
Let's do this survey job quickly and go to talk to him. I'll make an appointment with him soon.


I would be glad if you could do so.
Let's do this survey job quickly and go to talk to him. I'll make an appointment with him soon.

1. This is conditional sentence type two (the subjunctive mood). The main clause is "I would be," so the if-clause should be in the past tense. You can either say "if you did so" or "if you could do so."
  • fair(規則に従った)
  • distribution(分配)
  • reasoning(推論、根拠)
  • specialize(〔~を〕専門とする、特殊化する)
  • exploit((名)功績、(動)~を不当[違法]に使う、〔市場などを〕開拓する)
  • proven(証明された)
  • credibility(信頼性、信憑性)
  • background(背景、経歴)
  • experience(経験)
  • advantage(利益、効果、有利な点)
  • All of us will need to work overtime for the next few weeks in order to get this project off the ground.(このプロジェクトを軌道に乗せるため、これから数週間、全員残業する必要があります。)
  • Let's divide ourselves into three teams for this project.(このプロジェクトのために我々を3つのチームに分けましょう。)
  • I am promoting Kenji to section chief due to his consistent performance on past projects.(過去のプロジェクトの実績を見て、ケンジをチーフとして推薦します。)
  • Does anyone have any questions or concerns about this week's work assignments?(今週の業務について、質問や懸念事項などありますか?)
  • Due to Kenji's resignation, all of us will have to pick up the slack.(ケンジの退職により、私たち全員が穴を埋めなければならない。)
  • I've asked our CEO to hire temporary personnel to help us with this project.(このプロジェクトのために、派遣社員を雇うようにCEOに依頼しました。)
  • Kenji, I'm asking you to meet with the US team since you are fluent in English.(ケンジ、あなたは英語が堪能なので、アメリカチームとのミーティングをお願いします。)
  • An engineering consultant from Australia will be flying in tomorrow to help us with this project.(明日のフライトでオーストラリアからエンジニアリング・コンサルタントがきて、このプロジェクトを手伝ってくれることになっています。)
  • I need two volunteers to work on a project in Okinawa for a year.(沖縄で1年間活動するボランティアを2人必要としています。)
  • All vacations are cancelled due to the urgency of this project.(このプロジェクトの緊急性のため、すべての休暇はキャンセルされます。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 仕事依頼
  • 報告/説明する