
Asking about the features of a product
Do you have any questions about our product?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you have any questions about our product?

Hi, I'd like to know the system of this program for elderly people.


Hi, I'd like to know the system of this program for elderly people.

1. Here's an alternative 'Greetings'
That's a good question. The program has several features. Which one would you like me to discuss with you?

Actually, Regarding the screen size, it is small for elderly people. What do you think?


Actually, regarding the screen size, it is small for elderly people. What do you think?

1. Here's an alternative 'concerning'
Well, that one is our least expensive model. Would you be interested in seeing our models with larger screens?

Yes, please. How many models does your company have?


Yes, please. How many models does your company have?

1. Here's an alternative 'Of course'
We just released two new models last month, so now we have several models in total. Please feel free to take a look.

I know your new models. I'm in charge of the marketing department at Panda co. I received your press release last month, but unfortunately, I have no time to read it. I'm very interested in your products. Please tell me more about the functions.


I know your new models. I'm in charge of the marketing department at Panda co. I received your press release last month, but unfortunately, I have no time to read it. I'm very interested in your products. Please tell me more about the functions.

1. Here's an alternative 'especially'
Well, in that case, here is a brochure that briefly describes the main functions of all our models. If you have any questions, I'll be glad to answer them.

Thanks! By the way, my name is Panda. Here is my business card.


Thanks! By the way, my name is Panda. Here is my business card.

1. Here's an alternative 'I'm Panda'
  • manufacturer(製造業者、メーカー)
  • manufacture(製造する)
  • salespeople(販売員)
  • material(材料)
  • remarkable(注目に値する、優れた)
  • Do you have this in another color?(これの色違いはありますか?)
  • His recent behavior might be a problem associated with issues at home.(最近の彼の行動は、家庭内の問題に関連したものかもしれません。)
  • What is the material?(材料は何ですか?)
  • I'd like to know more about what you mentioned earlier.(先ほどのお話をもう少し詳しくお聞きしたいと思います。)
  • Could you tell me the difference between A and B?(AとBの違いを教えてもらえますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • 仕事関係
  • 出張