
Talking about which country you'd like to visit
What country would you like to visit?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What country would you like to visit?

I would like to visit some countries in Europe because the culture and cuisine are different from Asian countries.


I'd like to visit some countries in Europe because their cultures and cuisines are different from those of Asian countries.

1. It is common to use contracted verb forms in everyday conversations.
2,3. You are talking about multiple cultures and cusines, so you should use the plural form.
4. You are comparing cultures to other cultures, so you should add this part.
That sounds exciting! Which European country are you most interested in visiting, and what attracts you to it?

First of all, I'd like to visit Spain because I study Spanish.
Spain has many famous artists, especially I'm interested in Antonio Gaudi.


First of all, I'd like to visit Spain because I study Spanish.
Spain has many famous artists, and I'm especially interested in Antonio Gaudi.

1. Here is an alternative expression: "renowned".
2. Use conjunctions and linking words to indicate logical connections between your thoughts.
3. This is a more natural word order.
How far is your country from Spain? Do you have any paintings of Antonio Gaudi? Do you have any particular Spanish foods you would like to try?

It takes twelve or fifteen hours flight. I don't have any pictures of him. I'd like to try paella and Spanish wine.


It takes twelve to fifteen hours by plane. I don't have any of his paintings. I'd like to try paella and Spanish wine.

1. You are indicating a time span, so this is a more suitable word choice.
2. This expression fits better with the verb "to take".
3. Your original phrasing makes it sound like you are talking about photographs of Gaudi, so you should use an alternative expression.
A twelve to fifteen-hour flight sounds like quite a journey, but it will definitely be worth it for Spain! Have you ever tried paella or Spanish wine before, or will this be your first time?

I have never tried Spanish wine, but I have eaten paella several times in Japan and I've also cooked it.
I'd really like to authentic paella in Spain.


I've never tried Spanish wine, but I've eaten paella several times in Japan and I've also cooked it.
I'd really like to try authentic paella in Spain.

1,2. It is common to use contracted verb forms in everyday conversations.
3. This clause lacks a verb.
That sounds great! Homemade paella must have been a fun experience. What ingredients did you use, and how did it turn out?

I used rice, paprikas and various seafoods like shrimps, mussels. I did a pretty good job making it.


I used rice, paprikas and various seafoods like shrimp and mussels. I did a pretty good job making it.

1. This is the standard plural form of this noun.
2. It is common to use a conjunction instead of a comma if you list only two things.
  • a solitary journey(一人旅)
  • an outlook(視野)
  • by plane(飛行機で)
  • overseas(海外,海外で)
  • local people(地元の人々)
  • For the first time in my life, I finally felt free.(私は生まれて初めて、自由になれたと感じました。)
  • Why are you interested in psychology?(なぜ心理学に興味を持ったのですか?)
  • I'd like to travel by ship.(船で旅をしたい。)
  • cultural difference(文化の違い)
  • What is the most famous landmark?(一番有名な観光名所は何ですか?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 自己紹介