
Reporting on your weekly schedule at a meeting
What's your schedule like this week?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What's your schedule like this week?

I plan to go to the office twice a week, Tuesday and Wednesday. I work from home in the rest of this week. I have to prepare the presentation for our important client in the next face to face meeting that will be conducted in July 7th.


I plan to go to the office twice a week, Tuesday and Wednesday. I will work from home for the rest of this week. I have to prepare the presentation for our important client in the next face-to-face meeting that will be conducted on July 7th.

1. Rephrase this part for clarity.
2. Make use of 'on' for exact dates and 'in' for 'months' eg in July.
Oh okay, I see. I guess you like working from home right? You have time to prepare for your meeting. I hope you will use it wisely.

I prefer working from home rather than going to the office because it takes about one and half hours to commute to the office. I make time to prepare the presentation slides at home. I want to take a paid holiday on Friday if possible.


I prefer working from home rather than going to the office because it takes about one and a half hours to commute to the office. I make time to prepare the presentation slides at home. I want to take a paid holiday on Friday if possible.

1. Add this missing article to complete your phrase here.
Oh okay, I see. I also prefer working from home because I like working in the comforts of my home. What is a paid holiday?

A paid holiday means a paid leave. Making presentation materials is on schedule. Would you confirm the presentation slides before giving the presentation for the client? How about Wednesday morning?


A paid holiday means a paid leave. Making presentation materials is on schedule. Would you confirm the presentation slides before giving the presentation to the client? How about Wednesday morning?

1. Correct preposition choice. This preposition shows the direction of your presentation.
Ah, I see. Yes, of course I would. Wednesday morning is good for me. When exactly are you free to do this?

I will have a meeting with you at 10 am on the Wednesday. I've reserved the meeting room at the second floor. Would you be all right?


I will have a meeting with you at 10 am on    Wednesday. I've reserved the meeting room on the second floor. Would you be all right?

1. Redundancy.
2. On - Is usually used to state someone or something is on top of a surface. At - Is usually used to state something or someone is at a specific place.
Yes, that sounds perfect. I am free to meet with you at 10 am. Is there anything I should prepare for this meeting?

I'll send the draft of presentation materials after this meeting. I would like you to read the document until the Wednesday's meeting if possible.


I'll send the draft of the presentation materials after this meeting. I would like you to read the document until    Wednesday's meeting if possible.

1. You missed this indefinite article here. The indefinite article (an) is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound.
2. Redundancy.
  • agenda(予定、議事、議題)
  • attendance(出席、出勤)
  • priority(優先事項)
  • routine((名)決まった仕事、(形)定期的な)
  • minutes(議事録)
  • facilitator(進行役)
  • presentation(発表、プレゼンテーション)
  • forecast((名)天気予報、(動)(天気などを)予測する)
  • videoconference(テレビ会議)
  • participants(参加者、出席者)
  • As meeting facilitator, her job is to help everyone complete the purpose of the meeting.(会議のファシリテーターとして、全員が会議の目的を達成できるようにサポートするのが彼女の仕事です。)
  • What's the forecast for next month's supply?(来月の供給量の見通しは?)
  • Did you contact all of the videoconference participants? (ビデオ会議の参加者全員に連絡したのか?)
  • Please remember to put it in the proper presentation format.(適切なプレゼンテーション形式にすることを忘れないでください。)
  • I will take the minutes of this meeting.(本会議の議事録を作成します。)
  • Who will be in attendance? (誰が出席しますか?)
  • If you could make this a top priority, I will be grateful.(これを最優先にしていただければ、ありがたいです。)
  • What's on the agenda today?(今日の議題はなんですか?)
  • What's on the agenda for Thursday?(木曜日の議題はなんですか?)
  • It's going to be a busy week.(忙しい週になりそうです。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • ミーティング
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 報告/説明する
  • 社内会議