
Analyzing the recent decline in sales
ratio 比,比率,割合、類義語はproportionです。ratioが「比」、ならrateは「率」、propotionは「割合」になります。 percentage も近い意味合いで 、割合、(率、利益(口語で)類義語はpart, share, portionになります。前に数詞がくる時には percent を使い,数詞以外でたとえば small,large,great,high などには percentage を用いる場合が多いです。
Why do you think the numbers are starting to look bleak?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why do you think the numbers are starting to look bleak?

According to our last survey, the industry has been shrinking. We have to expand our business to the other areas.


According to our last survey, the industry has been shrinking. We have to expand our business to other areas.

1. since you do not specify which areas, and they are not previously mentioned, you shouldn't use the definite article before this noun.
That is a very good analysis of the most recent survey. Do you have some propositions as to which could be the potential areas?

Well. It's very difficult to change our speciality. How about anti aging goods? Now Japan has a serious aging society problem.


Well. It's very difficult to change our specialty. How about anti-aging goods? At the moment, Japan has a serious aging society problem.

1. This is the correct spelling of the word.
2. When using this as an adjective, we put a hyphen between the two words.
3. This is another interesting expression you can use in this context.
That is a fantastic suggestion. We will be able to cater to the largest population of the country. How do you think can we advertise that?

How about making a TV commercial? Elder people still love to watch TV programs. We can use an actor who also uses a catering service.


How about making a TV commercial? Elder people still love watching TV programs. We can use an actor who also uses a catering service.

1. Using the gerund form of this verb here sounds more natural to native speakers.
That is a splendid idea! I agree with you. Since you are able to think of that, would you mind leading this project and one more?

We don't have know-how of running an anti aging business. I guess we also need to improve our product if we want to expand our customer base.


We don't have the know-how of running an anti-aging business. I guess we also need to improve our product if we want to expand our customer base.

1. This phrase is always used with the definite article before it.
2. When using this as an adjective, we put a hyphen between the two words.
You are right. In line with that, I know that there are particular seminars and workshops in the United States which can help us address such issues. I want you to select two more people who can attend those with us.

I know the appropriate members. I will also attend the workshops and report it to you.


I know the fitting members. I will also attend the workshops and report them to you.

1. This is another word you can use in this context.
2. Since you are referring to the workshops which is a plural noun, you should use a plural pronoun as well.
  • any other age group(他の年齢層)
  • priority(先順位)
  • According to our last survey(最後の調査によると)
  • user friendly(ユーザーフレンドリー)
  • function(機能)
  • That's exactly right.(まさにその通りです。)
  • Regardless of gender, teenagers buy our product less often than any other age group.(性別を問わず、10代の若者は他の年齢層に比べて当社製品を購入する頻度が低い。)
  • Do you think we should consider marketing our product in a way that targets teenagers?(ティーンエイジャーをターゲットにしたマーケティングを検討すべきだと思いますか?)
  • It's better to improve our service for our already existing customers.(それよりも、既存のお客様へのサービスを向上させた方が良いと思います。)
  • What could have contributed to that high rate?(何が、その高いレートに貢献してきたと思いますか?)
  • I guess we also need to make improvements to our product if we want to keep our customer base.(また、顧客を維持するためには、製品の改良も必要なのでしょう。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 報告/説明する
  • 社内業務