
Reporting on last month's earnings and expenditures
Profit(利益)の語源はラテン語のPro「〜の代わりに振る舞う」「前進する」と facere 「〜すること」「作る」からきているそうです。Profitの反対語はlossです。利益率Profit rate、損益Profit and loss等はよく使われます。
What do last month's numbers look like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do last month's numbers look like?

Thanks to sales staff efforts, we could achieve our goal last month. It was our first time to surpass the number of the same month in the previous year.


Thanks to the sales staff's efforts, we achieved our goal last month. It was our first time to surpass the number of the same month in the previous year.

1. The definite article ''the'' is used when talking about something specific.
2. Change the noun form to correct the wrong grammar and fix the agreement mistake.
3. You are talking about something that has already happened, so use the past tense.
Congratulations on achieving your goal last month! That's great to hear that your sales staff's efforts paid off. What strategies did they use to achieve this milestone, and how do you plan to continue this momentum in the upcoming months?

We released a new product last year. They kept promoting it to our customers persistently. It took some time until we could get results. We will launch a new healthcare service this month. It must boost our sales.


We released a new product last year. They kept promoting it to our customers persistently. It took some time before we got the results. We will launch a new healthcare service this month. It must boost our sales.

1. This is a more natural way of writing this phrase.
It sounds like your sales team's persistence paid off with the new product release. Congrats on the successful launch! I'm curious to hear more about the new healthcare service you mentioned.

It's the first screening test to confirm a possibility of getting cancer by using a drop of urine. It's very convenient because you can check your risk of cancer at home and with a cheap price.


It's the first screening test to confirm the possibility of getting cancer    using a drop of urine. It's very convenient because you can check whether you are at risk of getting cancer at home and at a cheap price.

1. The definite article ''the'' is used when talking about something specific.
2. The preposition ''by'' is not necessary here.
3. This is a more natural way of writing this phrase.
4. ''At'' expresses price.
Wow, that sounds like an innovative and convenient healthcare service. Can you tell me more about the process and how accurate the results are?

Once you take your drop of urine, you send it to a research center of the company. Then, they analyze it by using a microorganism. Their accuracy is over 90 percents. In other words, one of ten gets a wrong result.


Once you take your drop of urine, you send it to a research center of the company. Then, they analyze it      using a microorganism. Their accuracy is over 90 percent. In other words, one of ten gets a wrong result.

1. The preposition ''by'' is not necessary here.
2. ''Percent'' remains in singular form even if the number used before it is above one.
Wow! That is a very interesting fact. Are the results often rectified? What else can you tell me about?

You can take it periodically. If you order a periodical course, you can buy it at a discount price every time.


You can take it periodically. If you order a periodical course, you can buy it at a discount price every time.

1. Everything is correct, an alternative word you can use here is ''occasionally''.
  • profitability(利益)
  • maintain(維持する)
  • profitable(有益な)
  • confidence(信用、信頼)
  • reasonable(程よい、穏当な)
  • result(結果)
  • a little lower than~(~より少しだけ少ない)
  • observed(見られた)
  • cut down on human resources(人件費を削減する)
  • complicated(複雑な)
  • We will achieve our target quota.(目標のノルマを達成します。)
  • The new experts seem to be working efficiently.(新しい専門家が効率よく働いているようです。)
  • Our profit margin increased by 31% last month.(先月は利益率が31%も向上しました。)
  • I am going to report on our progress by next week.(来週までには進捗状況を報告するつもりです。)
  • Do you have any plans to target a higher gross next month?(来月、より高い総計をターゲットにしているプランはありますか?)
  • What exactly will you do to reach this target?(この目標を達成するために、具体的にどのようなことをするのでしょうか。)
  • What could have been the reason for that?(そうなった理由として何が考えられるでしょう?)
  • What do you suggest we do to bring our profits back up?(あなたは、我々が利益を取り戻すために何をするよう提案しますか?)


  • ビジネス
  • 上級
  • ミーティング
  • 報告/説明する
  • 社内業務