
Reporting on the current number of subscribers
What do last month's numbers look like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do last month's numbers look like?

The number of members of the FF15 game service, the company's most popular online game service, was 79.82 million as of December 31st last year, compared to 9,394 as of December 25th this year. It became a million people.
In addition, the number of users of Ding, the company's search site, was 777.91 million people worldwide as of December 31st last year, but as of December 25th this year, it was 993.79 million users.


The number of members of the FF15 game service, the company's most popular online game service, was 79.82 million as of December 31st last year, compared to 9,394 as of December 25th this year. It became a million people.
In addition, the number of users of Ding, the company's search site, was 777.91 million people worldwide as of December 31st last year, but as of December 25th this year, it was 993.79 million users.

1. Here is an alternative expression you can use. ''Also''
I got it. It seems that we have achieved the target users within those months. Did you expect those figures?

Honestly, I didn't expect it to go this far. If this trend continues, Ding will reach 1 billion members by January 4th next year, and will compete as one of the world's largest search browsers. In the future, we aim to become the world's best browser by further enriching our services.


Honestly, I didn't expect it to go this far. If this trend continues, Ding will reach 1 billion members by January 4th next year   and will compete as one of the world's largest search browsers. In the future, we aim to become the world's best browser by further enriching our services.

1. A comma may be unnecessary in this context.
I agree with you. At this rate, we will dominate the market. How did our competitors perform last month?

Well, the average usage time of people who used our company's game software was 3 hours and 36 minutes per day, and the average usage time of people who used our company's search app was 48 minutes and 27 seconds per day. Today, people around the world spend around 800 million hours using this search app.
I will correct the data above. Currently, the number of users of our FF15 is 93998912. Thank you so much.


Well, the average usage time of people who used our company's game software was 3 hours and 36 minutes per day, and the average usage time of people who used our company's search app was 48 minutes and 27 seconds per day. Today, people around the world spend around 800 million hours using this search app.
I'll correct the data above. Currently, the number of users of our FF15 is 93998912. Thank you so much.

1. Try to use contractions to make your sentences more idiomatic.
  • Hereafter(今後)
  • ten thousand(一万,10,000)
  • more than we expected(予想以上に)
  • As for (the machine)((機械)に関しては)
  • As of (March1) ((3月1日)現在の)
  • Finance department(財務部)
  • In the near future(近い将来)
  • book a meeting room(会議室を予約する)
  • notify(通知する、知らせる)
  • According to~(~によると)
  • to expand our service(我々のサービスを拡大する )
  • I was sure we'd see an impressive amount of profit.(きっとすごい利益が出るだろうと思っていました。)
  • We may have to add more resources to the service.(サービスにリソースを追加する必要があるかもしれません。)
  • Since we are trying to stay within the budget, we have to keep our costs at a minimum.(予算内に収めようとしているので、コストは最小限に抑えなければなりません。)
  • I hope we continue to attract more users.(これからも多くのユーザーを獲得していきたいと思います。)
  • Ok, what we'll do is transfer some people from other departments and, if necessary, employ another person.(そこで、他の部署から何人かを異動させ、必要に応じて別の人を雇うことにしました。)
  • I'd like you to check my presentation for an upcoming conference.(今度の会議での私のプレゼンテーションをチェックしてほしいのです。)
  • At this rate, the number will exceed 3,000.(このままでは3,000人を超えてしまいます。)
  • Our advertisements will have an effect on our expansion.(当社の広告は、当社の拡大に影響を与えます。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 報告/説明する
  • 社内業務