
Asking the dealer about the card game
Did you have a question for me?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Did you have a question for me?

Yes. I'd like to learn how to play Texas Hold 'em. One of my friend said it's enjoyable. Can you play it?


Yes. I'd like to learn how to play Texas Hold 'em. One of my friends said it's enjoyable. Can you play it?

1. This expression "one of my" or "one of the" is always followed by the plural form of a noun, so you have to write "friends" here. For example, "One of my favorite hobbies is cycling". "He is one of the best football players in the world." or “He is one of the most important clients of our company.”.
It is quite fun but it depends on the individual. Some people like it and some people prefer to play Black Jack or Roulette. Shall I explain to you how to play?

Please. I would like to learn how to play it. Is it difficult to enjoy?


Please. I would like to learn how to play it. Is it any fun?

1. Another way to say this, but don't worry, your expression is also good.
Here are the rules: https://www.pokerlistings.com/poker-rules-texas-holdem.
I couldn't put it in less words. What do you think about it?

(It's funny. This is the first time to get reply using URL, haha.)
I understand the rule of Texas Hold 'em. I'd like to play it. How much is the minimum bet?


(It's funny. This is the first time to get a reply using a URL, haha.)
I understand the rule of Texas Hold 'em. I'd like to play it. How much is the minimum bet?

1. "reply" is a single noun so you need to use the article "a" here.
2. "URL" is a single noun so you need to use the article "a" here.
Minimum bet varies from one table that you join to another. You can start on small bets of course and then go higher when you get the hang of it.

I see. Can I still continue playing even if there are no other players around?


I see. Can I still continue playing even if I am the only player at the table?

1. Another expression to increase your vocabulary and options.
That seems unlikely to happen. There are players online all the time. Some players are nice because they chat with you while playing.

Understood. Let's start the game!


Okay, I got it. Let's start the game!

1. This is another expression you can use if you want to.
  • hand(〔トランプの〕手(札)、持ち札)
  • deal(取り決め、契約 《トランプ》ディール、〔札を〕配ること、〔配られた〕手札)
  • blackjack(ブラックジャック)
  • ace(エース、《トランプ》1のカード)
  • flush(《トランプのポーカーで》フラッシュ)
  • pair(一組、対)
  • poker(ポーカー)
  • shuffle((動)〔トランプを〕混ぜて切る)
  • draw(引き分け)
  • joker(《トランプ》ジョーカー、ばば)
  • How many cards are dealt to me to start the game?(ゲームを始めるのには何枚のカードが配られるの?)
  • The dealer busts.(ディーラーがバストした。《トランプ》〔ブラックジャックで〕バストするとは、手持ちの札の合計が21を超えて負けることです。)
  • I'd like to learn how to play Texas Hold 'em.(テキサスホールデムの遊び方を知りたい。)
  • I stand.(スタンド(トランプのゲーム、セブンアップで「切り札にする」の意味))
  • Can we still continue playing even if there are no other players around?(他のプレーヤーがいなくてもプレイは続けられますか。)
  • You can exchange up to three cards after the first bet.(初めの賭けの後、3枚までカードを交換できます。)
  • There are no jokers in this game.(このゲームでジョーカーはありません。)
  • Is this hand any good?(この持ち札いいかな。)
  • In this game, you just play with the cards in your hand.(このゲームでは、手の中にあるカードだけでプレイするのよ。)
  • What's the maximum bet?(最大の掛け金は?)


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