
My boss is Mr.Tanaka. He is from Japan. I love to him.
Because He certainly take the time to consult our problems he is seem t be busy.
My boss is Mr. Tanaka. He is from Japan. I love him.
This is because he takes the time to handle our problems even when he appears to be busy.
When he is tarking us,he always looks our face.
Moreover,with friendly face.
Also he has calm voice so that we get to relax while talking him.
He is seem to be older brother rather than father I would say.
When he talks to us, he always looks at us, and he always has a friendly face.
Also, he has a calm voice so we get to relax while talking to him.
I would say he is more of an older brother than a father.
2. Use a comma to separate the clauses.
3. The indefinite article ''a'' introduces singular nouns, noun phrases, and adjectives.
4. The pronoun ''that'' is not necessary here.
5. The natural expression is ''talking to'', the preposition ''to'' identifies the person you will be talking to.
I usually work at an open plan office.
When doing video conferences, my boss allow us to use separated rooms.
also it gives all executives their individual room in head office.
what do you think that what is reasons to give them the room?
I usually work at an open-plan office.
When doing video conferences, my boss allows us to use separate rooms.
Also, all executives have their own individual rooms at the head office.
What do you think is the reason behind them having their own separate rooms?
2. We use plurals when talking about things in general.
3. Remove the suffix ''-ed'' to correct the wrong grammar and fix the agreement mistake.
4&6. This is a much clearer way of expressing this point.
5. The first word in a sentence or question should always be capitalized.
I almost agree. As for my company,
one of the executives trained his muscle in the room during contracted hours so that the employee has ever strictly complained about this thing.
if they use it correctly,independency would be allowed.
I almost agree. As for my company, one of the executives trained his muscles in one of the rooms during contracted hours, but the employees have never strictly complained about this thing.
If they used it correctly, independence would be allowed.
No he wasn't. Certainly there was
no punishment.
His secretary only told him this behavior must modify soon.
But this event made some employees lose their motivation for work.
No, he wasn't. Certainly, there was
no punishment.
His secretary only told him to modify his behavior soon.
However, this event demotivated some employees, and they lost the zeal to do their work.
- detailed work(細かい作業(仕事))
- important missions(重要な任務)
- retrieve(取得する)
- vendor(ベンダー、売歩く人)
- stabilize(安定化させる)
- permanent dealings(恒久的な取引)
- proper system(適切なシステム)
- grumpy(気難しい)
- moody(気分屋な)
- No matter what difficult things you may go through, you will always have our help and support.(どんなに大変なことがあっても、私たちはいつもあなたを応援しています。)
- Do you know when (her) day off is?((彼女の)お休みがいつか知っている?)
- He's afraid that~ (残念ながら〜と思う)
- She has been much too patient with his attitude.(彼女は彼の態度にあまりにも我慢しすぎている。)
- I am honored that so many of you have chosen to attend this special occasion.(この特別な日に、多くの皆様にご参加いただき、大変光栄に思います。)
- I barely understand~ (〜をほとんど理解できない)
- Let's set a meeting so you can tell me more about your proposal.(打ち合わせをして、あなたの提案を詳しく聞かせてください。)
2. The preposition ''to'' is not necessary here.
3. This is a much clearer and more natural way of phrasing this sentence.