
Talking about what you look for in your job
What do you look for in your job?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you look for in your job?

A job with high pay and a lot of autonomy is essential for me. I don't like people telling me what to do and following meaningless rules. Work is merely a way to make money. I work to get money for my pastime.


A job with high pay and a lot of autonomy is essential for me. I don't like people telling me what to do and following meaningless rules. Work is merely a way to make money. I work to get money for my pastime.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "work serves as a means to earn income"
I understand how you feel and respect your opinion. Most of us want the same thing. The most typical motivation for work is money. Do you have a dream job?

That's true. My opinions are meant to be respected. I know people whose first motivation is money end up contributing to society regardless of their intention because they need their purpose consistent with that of their companies to earn money. Instead, people who put priority on other things often become self-righteous. A security guard of a municipality working to find life worth living sexually harassed me. I don't have any dream job because all dreams come true soon after I want.


That's true. My opinions are meant to be respected. I know people whose first motivation is money end up contributing to society regardless of their intention because they need their purpose consistent with that of their companies to earn money. Instead, people who put priority on other things often become self-righteous. A security guard of a municipality working to find life worth living sexually harassed me. I don't have any dream job because all dreams come true soon after I want something.

1. "Want" is a transitive verb here, and such verbs require objects in order to have a meaning. The object "something" was used as an example here.
I am glad to know that you were able to achieve your dream job. However, there is just something that I need to clarify. Did you say that someone sexually harassed you?

I said that. So what?


I said that. So what?

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "that's what I said".
Sorry, I was just surprised that you mentioned that. Did you tell someone about it or report it to the police?

This system in which a tutor is anonymous makes it hard to communicate, so I often avoid telling personal matters here because that causes misunderstandings and anxiety. I wish I could know at least the gender of the tutor. Well, he appeared to be working part-time as a safety guard. The safety guard should have worked not for his pastime but for money. He said to me, "Nice ass," when I tried to pass through him. I told an official of the municipality.


This system in which a tutor is anonymous makes it hard to communicate, so I often avoid telling personal matters here because that causes misunderstandings and anxiety. I wish I could know at least the gender of the tutor. Well, he appeared to be working part-time as a safety guard. The safety guard should have worked not for his pastime but for money. He said to me, "Nice ass," when I tried to pass through him. I told an official of the municipality.

1. You expressed yourself well here. There is nothing to correct, so this is an alternative expression we could use in this context - "it'd be good to know, at the very least, the tutor's gender."
  • advancement(前進、進歩、昇進)
  • harmonious(調和した、円満な)
  • lucrative(有利な)
  • underutilize(十分に活用しない)
  • temporary(一時的な)
  • stimulating(刺激的な)
  • integrity(整合性)
  • opportunity(機会)
  • demeaning((仕事などが)屈辱的な、恥ずべき)
  • ideal(理想)
  • This is the ideal position for me because of my training and background.(研修経験と経歴があるので、これこそ私の理想の仕事です。)
  • My co-workers and I really get along and we all enjoy going to work everyday.(私の同僚と私は本当に上手くいっていて毎日働くことを楽しんでいます。)
  • I have to transfer to the Singapore office, which means that I will be separated from my girlfriend for a few years.(シンガポール支社に転勤しなければならないので、数年間は彼女と離れ離れになってしまいます。)
  • I don't like my job because my skills are underutilized.(自分のスキルが生かされていないので、仕事が好きではない。)
  • I highly respect my co-workers' intelligence, dedication, and work ethics.(私の同僚の知性、献身、そして労働倫理に畏敬の念を抱いています。)
  • My life is out of balance since I'm required to work for such long hours at the office.(会社で長時間働かなければならないので、生活のバランスが崩れています。)
  • I'm so proud to work for a company of such high integrity.(安全性の高い企業で働いていることを誇りに思う。)
  • My job doesn't pay very well, but it's a stepping stone to what I really want.(私の仕事はあまり給料が良くないですが、本当にしたいことをするための足がかりです。)
  • I love my new job but I don't get to see the sun anymore.(私は新しい仕事が大好きですが、太陽を見ることができなくなった。)
  • My job is boring, but pays well.(私の仕事はつまらないですが、給料はいいです。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 仕事関係
  • 自分の考え