
Asking questions about a menu
Are you ready to order, sir?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Are you ready to order, sir?

Yes, May I ask a favor of you? I have some menus in this list which I don't imagine what it likes. Could you tell us the second line and forth line each?


Yes, may I ask you for a favor? There are some dishes on this menu that I don't understand. Could you tell us what is exactly the second and fourth option? 

1. I believe this is what you wanted to say here.
2. Rephrased for better and easier understanding.
Oh, yes of course. Let me see.
The second line is famous Japanese soup, with chicken. The fourth line is a Serbian dish with onion.

Thank you. I'm from Japan so relatively easy to imagine what the second line dish is. On the other hand, it seems challenging to imagine what taste of the fourth line dish. This is a precious chance to try unknown dish, so let us have the second line one.


Thank you. I'm from Japan so it is relatively easy for me to imagine what the second dish is. On the other hand, it seems challenging to imagine how the fourth one tastes. This is a precious chance to try an unknown dish, so let us have the second one.

1. A more natural way to convey your idea here.
2. Rephrased to sound clear and understandable.
3. Rephrased to sound completely clear and natural.
Alright, great. I would recommend the Serbian dish with spicy sauce. Do you need bread with that dish?

Yes, please let us bring some bread with Serbian dish. What kind of bread is popular among Serbian? I heard in the northern European area such as Germany and Poland, the dark-colored and hard type of bread is in general. In French, the baguette is popular. How about in Serbia?


Yes, please let us have some bread with the Serbian dish. What kind of bread is popular among Serbian people? I heard that people in other European countries such as Germany and Poland eat specific kinds of bread. In France, the baguette is popular. How about __ Serbia?

1. The natural, specific way to express this.
2. Added for clarification.
3. Rephrased to sound completely understandable and natural.
4. You need a noun here, not an adjective.
5. This is redundant.
Alright. I am glad you like my offer.
I will bring you a basket with different types of Serbian bread.

Thank you. Looking forward to know what a delicious the Serbian bread is. Also, do you have some recommendations with Serbian dish? What kind of drinks do Serbian enjoy with dishes? If any, I would like to enjoy a glass of beer at first, then have another one.


Thank you. I am looking forward to trying a delicious Serbian bread. Also, do you have some recommendations that would go well with Serbian dish? What kind of drinks do Serbian people enjoy with dishes? If any, I would like to enjoy a glass of beer at first, then have another one.

1. The clear, precise way to express this idea.
2. Rephrased to sound clear and precise.
3. Added for clarification.
Yes, of course. The most popular drink in Serbia is rakija. It is alcohol. It is made from plums. Do you want to try?

Alright. Start dinner with a glass of beer, then try to rakiija. Perhaps it may be strong so please bring us bottles of water for chaser. Then let have started. I'll call you on the way of dinner to order other dishes. Thank you for your kindness.


Alright. We will start dinner with a glass of beer, and then we will try rakia. It might be strong so please bring us some water as a chaser. Let's start then. I'll call you on the way to dinner to order other dishes. Thank you for your kindness.

1. The correct way to explain this.
2. A more natural way to explain this.
3. The correct way to express this.
4. On the way TO someplace.
  • vinaigrette((フランス語)(酢と油と塩胡椒で作った)フレンチドレッシング)
  • breaded((形)パン粉をまぶしつけた)
  • de jour((フランス語)本日の)
  • au gratin((フランス語)グラタン料理の)
  • platter((名)大皿)
  • marinate((動)~をマリネする[漬け込む])
  • baste((名)たれ (動)〈たれ〉~をかける)
  • battered((形)使い古して傷んだ、ぼろぼろの)
  • smother((動)~を蒸し煮[焼き]にする)
  • poached((形)ポシェした、落とし卵にした)
  • What wine would you suggest with this entree?(この主菜と一緒に何を頼むと良いですか。)
  • The special of the day is our famous rack of lamb.(今日のスペシャルはうちの店で有名な子羊のあばら肉です。)
  • Do you have children's portions?(子供用の一人前はありますか。)
  • I need a few more minutes to decide.(決めるまでもう数分必要だ。)
  • Our grilled shrimp is out of this world.(網焼きのエビは天下一品です。)
  • I'd like to substitute rice for the mashed potatoes.(マッシュポテトの代わりにライスをお願いします。)
  • You might want to split the salad because it's huge.(サラダは量が多いので分けて食べたくなるかも知れません。)
  • Since I'm not very hungry, can I have this ala carte?(私はあまりお腹がすいていないので、このアラカルトをお願いします。)
  • I'd like the dressing on the side.(付け合わせにドレッシングをお願いします。)
  • You can select any three of the following for your combination meal.(コンビネーション・ミールは、以下の3つの中からお選びいただけます。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • レストラン
  • 何が良いか話す