
Asking about your lost son
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

Excuse me. I got separated from my son when we were looking at snacks. Did you see my boy? He's a beautiful five-year-old wearing a blue T-shirt with Winnie the Pooh. He likes big boobs of women, so he follows after or talks to them. To draw their attention, he pretends to get lost. What a naughty boy!


Excuse me, I got separated from my son when we were looking at snacks. Did you see my boy? He's a beautiful five-year-old wearing a blue T-shirt with Winnie the Pooh. He likes big boobs of women, so he follows after or talks to women with big boobs. To draw their attention, he pretends to be lost. What a naughty boy!

1. Use a comma to join the clauses for better flow.
2. Rephrase for clearer meaning.
3. Use ''be'' to indicate a state of being.
Your son sounds very cute! Unfortunately, I haven't seen your son but I can help you search for him. Where was the last place you saw him?

I saw him in the snack aisle. Some Budweiser girls were handing customers beer samples next to the liquor aisle, and they stole his heart away. He asked one of those girls to give him one, but he was obviously declined.


I saw him in the snack aisle. Some Budweiser girls were handing customers beer samples next to the liquor aisle, and they stole his heart    . He asked one of those girls to give him one, but he was obviously not given.

1. ''away'' is unnecessary, the phrase is ''stole his heart''.
2. Use ''not given'' as ''declined'' mean to reject something.
I see. Could you tell me more about your son? How tall is he, give or take? What other clothes is he wearing? That should make him easier to spot.

He is 40 inches tall with average weight. Oh no! Some people get angry when I use the imperial system. He is about 101 centimeters tall, wearing a cap with the letters Star Wars, white Nike shoes, and putting on a Ralph Lauren backpack.


He is 40 inches tall and of average weight. Oh no! Some people get angry when I use the imperial system. He is about 101 centimeters tall, wearing a cap with the letters Star Wars, white Nike shoes, and putting on a Ralph Lauren backpack.

1. Use ''and'' to join independent clauses.
2. Use ''of'' to indicate the nature of something, 'with'' means accompanying someone or having something.
  • occurrence((名)事件、出来事)
  • commonplace((名)ありきたりな言葉、平凡なこと (形)平凡な)
  • timid((形)気の小さい、臆病な)
  • headstrong((形)頑固な、わがままな)
  • unruly((形)規則に従わない、物騒な)
  • wander((名)ぶらぶら歩くこと (形)さまよう、迷う)
  • rambunctious((形)手に負えない、やんちゃな)
  • atypical((形)代表例ではない、不規則な)
  • concerned((形)心配そうな)
  • distressed((形)動揺して)
  • I'm a little concerned because he doesn't typically wander off like this.(いつもはこんな風に迷子になることはないので、少し心配しています。)
  • That kid does this to me all the time.(あの子はいつも私にこんなことをする。)
  • If you see him later, can you please escort him to the store manager's office?(あとで彼を見かけたら、店長さんの事務所に連れて行ってくれない?)
  • There's a boy that matches your description over there by the bakery section.(その描写に合う男の子がパン売り場のそばにいるよ。)
  • He's seven years old and is wearing a red t-shirt and white shorts.(彼は7歳で赤いTシャツに白い半ズボンをはいています。)
  • He is such a rascal that I can't take my eyes off him for even a moment.(彼はひどい腕白だから、一瞬たりとも目を離せない。)
  • Is that him over there eating the cookie samples?(あっちでクッキーの試食している子?)
  • I think I saw him in the candy section a couple of aisles down.(2、3通路先のお菓子売り場で見かけたような気がします。)
  • He always likes to play hide-and-seek with me.(彼はいつも私と隠れん坊をするのが好きなの。)
  • This is the third time today that he's wandered off.(彼が迷子になるのは今日これで3回目よ。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 買い物
  • 助けを求める