
Talking about the happiest day of your life
What was the happiest day that you have had in your entire life?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What was the happiest day that you have had in your entire life?

It was a day in winter when I was 9. I had been practicing classical ballet that time. On that day, I danced with one of Russian ballet company in their public performance. While I was a little child, I exactly remember the whole day. Russia is famous for ballet, so this experience is really precious memory. That stage was the most big and honorable stage in my life. All dancers has long legs and arms, and their dances were fantastic even though they are talking during dance. From that time, I practiced more harder as admiring these dancers.


It was a day in winter when I was 9. I had been practicing classical ballet at that time. On that day, I danced with a Russian ballet company in their public performance. While I was a little child, I exactly remember the whole day. Russia is famous for ballet, so this experience is a really precious memory. That stage was the biggest and most honorable stage in my life. All the dancers had long legs and arms, and their dances were fantastic even though they were talking during the dance. From that time, I practiced harder as admiring these dancers.

1. Use at with time.
2. 3. Use a/an before a singular noun to show that what is referred to is not already known to the speaker, listener, writer and/or reader or that it's not a specific thing.
4. When using superlative, form it by adding "est" to shorter adjectives, and adding "the most" in front of longer ones - 5.
6. 9. Use "the" with specific things, or when you are referring to something that's already been mentioned or is known by the listener.
7. 8. Use past tenses when talking about general past actions.
10. Same as 4, but for comparative ass "er" to short ones, and "more" in front of long ones.
That sounds like a lovely experience, how can you remember memories when you were 9 years old. So, why do you enjoy dancing classical ballet?

I don't know how I remember, but I remember from 4 years old. I recommended my mother because I was naughty and she was in troubled to me. She wanted me to do rhythmic gymnastic, however, there are no rhythmic gymnastic studio in our living place at that time. Then, she took me to classical ballet studio. At first, I don't like classical ballet because teachers were scarily, but I gradually liked it. I was good at almost physical activity, but classical ballet was difficult for me. That's why I kept interested in dancing.


I don't know how I remember, but I remember from 4 years old. I recommended it to my mother because I was naughty and she was troubled with me. She wanted me to do rhythmic gymnastics, however, there was no rhythmic gymnastics studio in our living place at that time. Then, she took me to a classical ballet studio. At first, I don't like classical ballet because the teachers were scary, but I gradually started liking it. I was good at almost all physical activity, but classical ballet was difficult for me. That's why I kept being interested in dancing.

1. "To recommend something TO someone"
2. "To be in trouble with" or "to be troubled with"; the first indicates mostly that you caused trouble, while the other one means that something is troubling you.
3. Correct noun form, always in plural.
4. Use past simple for past actions that already finished. Use was with third-person singular.
5. Correct adjective form.
6. More natural with "gradually".
7. Use "all" after "almost".
8. Use "verb + ing" after "keep". Since you have no verb here, and predicates from adjectives are formed by using "to be + adjective", we add "ing" to "be".
That is very interesting, so are you still a classical ballet dancer? Do you often do shows in Japan?

No, I'm not. I am now practicing ballroom dance as my hobby, and I have little show. However, I still often watch ballet shows on YouTube. Have you ever been to see classical ballet shows?


No, I'm not. I am now practicing ballroom dance as my hobby, and I have few shows. However, I still often watch ballet shows on YouTube. Have you ever been to see classical ballet shows?

1. Few - a small number, not enough. A few - a couple of, again a small number, but enough in the context.
2. With the above expressions we use the plural.
No, I haven't, I always wished I could go to one but they are usually very expensive. Have you eve dreamed you could do classical ballet as a profession?

That's right. It is expensive. Of course, yes. However, I couldn't make it. I couldn't make my sense of beauty, and my body didn't fit classical ballet. I am now dreaming to help dancers as a physical therapist.


That's right. It is expensive. Of course, yes. However, I couldn't make it. I couldn't make my sense of beauty, and my body didn't fit classical ballet. I am now dreaming of helping dancers as a physical therapist.

1. "to dream of" or "to dream about" something/someone or doing something
That is also a great thing to do. Why specifically physical therapist? Have you ever tried teaching ballet?

When I practicing dance, I often got injuries. In addition, when I went to hospital, the doctors often said there is no abnormal finding in this photos. I want to improve this situation, and I want to teach dancers how to prevent injuries, and their treatment when they got injuries or bad conditions.
No, I haven't.


When I was practicing dance, I often got injuries. In addition, when I went to hospital, the doctors often said there were no abnormal findings in the photos. I want to improve this situation, and I want to teach dancers how to prevent injuries, and their treatment when they got injuries or bad conditions.
No, I haven't.

1. Always use the verb "to be" when forming progressive tenses.
2. Past simple for already finished past actions.
3. More natural in plural
4. "These" indicates they are here somewhere, in the speaking context, in the extra-linguistic world. They are not, as this happened in the past, so "the" is a good alternative.
  • conclusion((名)〔事実などを検討した結果の〕結論)
  • value((名)価値)
  • proposal((名)提案、申し出)
  • blessed((名)《カトリック》福者 (形)《宗教》神聖な、幸運な)
  • selflessness((名)無私無欲)
  • matrimony((名)結婚していること(すること))
  • realization((名)理解、認識)
  • ultimate((名)究極点 (形)最大の、最高度の)
  • bliss((名)至福、この上ない喜び (動)至福を味わう)
  • birth((名)誕生 (動)〔赤ん坊を〕生む、出産する)
  • It's an impossible question to answer because I don't measure my days by how happy I am.(私は自分がどれだけ幸せかで毎日を計っているわけではないので、この質問に答えるのは不可能です。)
  • I'd have to say it was when my daughter was born.(それは私の娘が生まれた時だと言わなきゃね。)
  • The happiest day of my life happened three years ago when my wife said "Yes" when I proposed to her.(私の人生で最も幸せな日は、3年前にプロポーズしたときに妻が「Yes」と言ってくれたときです。)
  • I remember hearing my doctor say that my cancer was in remission.(医者から私の癌は軽快していると聞いたことを覚えています。)
  • It's the day when I realized that I am blessed with a wonderful family.(私が素晴らしい家族に恵まれていると気づいた日です。)
  • It's the day when I got my first job here after three unsuccessful attempts.(この日は、3度の失敗を経て、ここで初めて仕事を得た日です。)
  • The happiest moment of my life is when I wake up every morning.(私の人生で最も幸せな瞬間は、毎朝目覚めるときです。)
  • It was the day when my wife told me that she was pregnant with our first child.(初めての子供ができたと妻が私に言った日だった。)
  • Without question, it's the day I scored the winning goal in the national championship soccer match.(言うまでもなく、その日が全国選手権のサッカーの試合でウイニングゴールを決めた日です。)
  • It's the day when my last child finally left the house.(うちに最後まで残っていた子供がついに独り立ちした日です。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 自分の考え