
Instructing your subordinate to shred confidential documents
shredderのshred(動詞)は細かく裂く,細かく切る,寸断する,ちぎる等の意味ですが、shred vegitables(野菜を細かく切る)など、料理の際にも良く使う言葉です。ちなみに「挽肉」は minced meat や ground meat といいます。
I just completed scanning all of these documents. What should I do with them now?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I just completed scanning all of these documents. What should I do with them now?

Thank you very much. Can you shred them after our talk? They are confidential documents, so we are urged to take precautions in order to avoid the leakage of our important information.


Thank you very much. Can you shred them after this? They are confidential documents, so we are urged to take precautions in order to avoid the leakage of our important information.

1. this simple option is also acceptable referring to your talk right now.
Thank you very much for letting me know.
I will make sure to do that.
Since they are confidental, to whom should I give them?

You can give them to only our board members. You must pay attention for their treating due to including our sensitive information.


You can give them to only our board members. You must pay attention to how they treat the documents including our sensitive information.

1. please note the pattern: pay + attention + to + something/somebody.
2. it is not clear at all what you meant by 'their treating', it doesn't seem to make sense.
* I have suggested something coherent and the closest to what you meant for the time being.
Oh okay, thank you for telling me.
Can you please tell me what is the last day I could give it to them?
Since it is the end of our work day, I wasn't able to find them.

It's day after tomorrow, on this Friday. So you can do it in two days, you don't worry.


It's the day after tomorrow, _ this Friday. So you can do it in two days, you don't need to worry.

1. this is to complete your target common phrase.
2. because "this" is indicative enough as to which Friday.
3. because you meant to sound encouraging, not commanding.
That's a relief. Do please tell me a bit more about the confidentiality policy. How can I know which documents are top secret in the future?

Our policy is that information is informed only to necessarily people. Especially about customers' information, we are shearing them with only limited groups. So if we need to share some information, we imforme you.


Our policy is that information is relayed only to relevant people. Especially _ customers' information, we are sharing it with only limited groups. So if we need to share some information, we inform you.

1. here is a better verb that signifies there is passing around in the process.
2. I believe this is what you mean, basically, an adverb (i.e. necessarily) cannot describe a noun.
3. because 'customers' information' is the main concern here, not the topic of conversation.
4. 6. spell check!
5. because this refers to 'Information' which is an uncountable noun.
I understand. It's for praise that you take such good care of your customer's private information. Do you need anything else from me for today?

If you get some information for about our customers' personal date when you work at our office, you must not talk about it with not necessarily people. There are no exceptions, for example, you don't have to speak out to your families members, familiar friends, and colleague ets.


If you get some information _ about our customers' personal data when you work at our office, you must not talk about it with irrelevant people. There are no exceptions, for example, you don't have to discuss it with your family members, close friends, and colleagues, etc.

1. because Personal Data is your topic of conversation in this case.
2. 8. spell check!
3. this is what you mean, basically, an adverb (i.e. necessarily) cannot describe a noun.
4. either Talk about it with ... OR discuss it with ... is good enough, we would never use 'speak out' in this case.
5. because 'Family' is the identifier as to what kind of members you meant, it doesn't show the quantity.
6. this is commonly known as 'close friends' in everyday English.
7. because you mean colleagues in general, not just one.
  • It doesn't work properly(ちゃんと動いていない(作動しない))
  • confidential(機密の)
  • solve this issue(この問題を解決する)
  • material(資料)
  • in fact(事実上)
  • I hardly ever go to~(~へはめったに行かない)
  • leaked to competitors(競争相手に漏れました)
  • big loss(大きな損失)
  • hand over(手渡す)
  • last alternative(最終選択肢)
  • Where is it located? (それはどこにありますか? )
  • The shredder can handle 30 sheets at a time.(シュレッダーは一回に30枚かけられます。)
  • You have a strong sense of responsibility.(あなたは強い責任感を持っています。)
  • If it contains personal information, you must shred it.(個人情報が含まれている場合は、シュレッダーにかける必要があります。)
  • How many sheets can be run through at a time?(一度に何枚のシートを通すことができますか?)
  • I will be fired.(解雇されてしまいます。)


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 仕事依頼
  • 申請/社内ルール
  • 社内業務