
Let's write a diary
Please write a diary that needs to be corrected.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Please write a diary that needs to be corrected.

There is cargo piled high on the bed of a truck.
This truck is iligul dumping company.


There is cargo piled high on the bed of a truck.
This truck belongs to an illegal dumping company.

1. Add this phrase to say that the company owns or operates the truck, but they are not the same thing.
2. Use an indefinite article before a singular countable noun.
3. misspelling corrected
That seems to be an interesting account of your day. Why do you think the truck is from an illegal dumping company?

Garbage dumping sites designated by the government are expensive. As a result, they are illegally dumped and burned in the desert. The situation was featured on a TV program.


Garbage dumping sites designated by the government are expensive. As a result, garbage is illegally dumped and burned in the desert. The situation was featured on a TV program.

1. Rephrase it this way to make the subject clearer. 'They' could refer to garbage dumping sites
That is concerning. Illegal dumping and burning of garbage in the desert poses health hazards. Have there been any efforts to tackle this illegal activity?

Such cars come many times a day.The cause is cheap clothes purchased from foreign countries. Approximately 80% of the items are unusable and end up in the trash.


So many cars come many times a day. The cause is cheap clothes purchased from foreign countries. Approximately 80% of the items are unusable and end up in the trash.

1. Rephrase it this way to express the volume of cars.
That is very alarming. This shows the issue of excessive waste in our society. Why do you think the government is just allowing this to happen?

The Chilean government has been slow to respond.Clothes that cannot be sold or donated are given to a waste disposal company.


The Chilean government has been slow to respond. Clothes that cannot be sold or donated are sent to a waste disposal company.

1. In the case of unusable clothes, it is more likely they are sent for disposal rather than given away as a gift or act of charity.
It is disheartening to know that the government is so slow to act on this. Are there no efforts to recycle the clothes instead of dumping them?

European and American fashion brands have begun initiatives to reduce their impact on the environment.

This is a story from Chile, South America, which has become a dumping ground for the world of clothing.


European and American fashion brands have begun initiatives to reduce their impact on the environment.

This is a story from Chile, South America, which has become a dumping ground for the world of clothing.

1. Here is an alternative phrase: 'to minimize their environmental footprint'
  • consciousness((名)意識(があること)、感情)
  • enlightenment((名)啓発、啓蒙、悟り)
  • spiritual((名)霊的なこと (形)精神的な、霊的な)
  • purposeful((形)目的がある、意図した)
  • philosophical((形)哲学の、理性的な)
  • theological((形)神学の[に関する・的な]、聖書に基づく)
  • fulfillment((名)満足感、充足感)
  • significance((名)意味、重要性)
  • existence((名)存在、生存)
  • reality((名)現実性)
  • keep a diary(日記をつける)
  • I'm happy and rich and have a beautiful family, but I don't feel fulfilled.(私は幸せでお金持ちで、美しい家族がいますが、充実感はありません。)
  • I found the answer to this question this morning when I looked into my infant son's eyes.(私は今朝、乳児の息子の目を見て、この質問の答えを見つけました。)
  • Don't you sometimes wonder what our purpose here on earth is?(一体私たちの存在目的は何なのかと時々思いませんか。)
  • What is life all about in the overall scheme of things?(人生は全般的な物事の構造の中で一体何を意味するのだろう。)
  • It is agonizing to even consider the possibility that nothing in this world has any meaning.(この世界の何も意味を持たないという可能性を考えるだけで苦しいものだ。)
  • Why was I born at this particular time and at this particular place?(なぜ私はこの時代のこの場所に生まれたのかしら。)
  • Does my life make any difference at all in this world?(私の人生はこの世界で何の影響があるっていうの?)
  • What is life all about?(人生にはいったいどんな意味があるの。)
  • Sometimes I wonder why I bother to get out of bed everyday.(なぜわざわざ毎日ベッドから出なきゃいけないのかと時々疑問に思う。)
  • To answer your question, all you have to do is look up at the night sky.(その答えは、夜空を見上げればいいのです。)
  • I've been writing a diary in English for ten months now.(私は10ヶ月間英語で日記を書いています。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 英語日記添削