
Talking about your progress of studying English
How's your English learning these days?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How's your English learning these days?

I feel like my English has been improving, though only gradually. Recently, I was very flattered when I received the following evaluation of one of the teachers at Best Teacher: "You were able to share your thoughts well, and you are not shy to say your opinions too. Not only that, but you are also confident and comfortable in speaking the language. Your pronunciation is wonderful!" I'm so happy because this is the very things that I have been working for. Being overpraised, however, is not so good, is it? Don't we always need to take a reality check?


I feel like my English has been improving, though only gradually. Recently, I was very flattered when I received the following evaluation by one of the teachers at Best Teacher: "You were able to share your thoughts well, and you are not shy to say your opinions too. Not only that, but you are also confident and comfortable     speaking the language. Your pronunciation is wonderful!" I'm so happy because these are the very things that I have been working on. Being overpraised, however, is not so good, is it? Don't we always need to take a reality check?

1. Use the preposition ''by'' to refer to the doer of something.
2. The preposition may be left out.
3. Use a plural determiner and verb for ''the very things''.
4. Use ''on'' to refer to something one has been working to improve.
Congratulations on your progress! It's great to hear that you're feeling more confident in your English speaking skills. What are some of the specific strategies you've been using to practice your speaking?

Teachers often say that English is supposed to be spoken with confidence. Therefore, before lessons, I have tried to take time and prepare my lesson to build my confidence, especially focusing on pronunciation because I'm always nervous about my poor pronunciation. I can feel my pronunciation getting better gradually when reading English. The problem is, however, my pronunciation in free talking. I'm mostly absorbed in how to say what I want to say, or how to build my sentence. As a result, I can't give enough care to pronunciation. Have you had a similar experience about your second language?


Teachers often say that English is supposed to be spoken with confidence. Therefore, before lessons, I have tried to take time and prepare myself    to build my confidence, especially focusing on pronunciation because I'm always nervous about my poor pronunciation. I can feel my pronunciation getting better gradually when reading English. The problem is, however, my pronunciation in free talking. I'm mostly absorbed in how to say what I want to say, or how to build my sentence. As a result, I don't give enough attention to pronunciation. Have you had a similar experience with your second language?

1. Use ''myself'' as the object of the verb ''prepare''.
2. Leave out ''lesson'' to avoid repeating the word.
3. Use the present tense for something that happens regularly.
4. Use ''attention'' to mean to focus closely on something.
5. Use ''with'' to refer to something one goes through or encounters in life.
 Yes, I have had a similar experience with my second language. When I first started learning English, I was very nervous about my pronunciation. I would often stumble over my words and avoid speaking up in class. Do you have any favorite resources or techniques that you've found particularly helpful?

This is not any particular technique, but I quite often watch English movies paying attention to the way of speaking of characters. In most cases, however, the story takes my concentration on the way from that purpose, and I end up finding myself being totally immersed in the plot. Could you give me some useful advice, please?


I don't have any particular technique, but I quite often watch English movies paying attention to the way the characters speak. In most cases, however, the story takes my concentration    from that purpose, and I end up finding myself being totally immersed in the plot. Could you give me some useful advice, please?

1. Use ''I don't have'' to focus on yourself as ''there is'' is very general, like you are talking about things in general.
2. Use the phrase to make the meaning clear.
3. Leave out ''on the way'' as it is unnecessary.
  • futile((形)役に立たない、くだらない)
  • discouraging((形)落胆させる、〔人の〕やる気をそぐような)
  • exercise((名)〔心身・頭脳などを鍛えるための〕練習、訓練 (動)運動する)
  • inspired((形)インスピレーション[刺激]を受けた、飛び抜けて素晴らしい)
  • doldrums((名)不振、沈滞、低迷、スランプ)
  • insistence((名)主張、要求)
  • productive((形)実りが多い)
  • plateau((名)〔学習曲線などの〕プラトー{努力にもかかわらず、ほとんど進歩が見られない段階のこと})
  • headway((名)〔目標に向かう〕進歩)
  • painstaking((名)苦心 (形)つらい)
  • My tongue hurts when I try to pronounce "r"s and "l"s.(私が「r」と「l」の発音をしようとすると舌が痛みます。)
  • I'm taking it one day at a time.(一度に一日授業を取っています。)
  • I'm thinking of moving to the U.S. for a few years to accelerate my studies.(私は自分の勉強を速く進めるために数年間アメリカに移ろうと思っています。)
  • My boss threatened to demote me if I can't speak English by this time next year.(来年のこの時期までに英語が話せなかったら降格すると上司に脅されました。)
  • All of the other students seem to be moving ahead much faster than me.(他の生徒たちは、私よりもずっと早く進んでいるように見えます。)
  • I try to study during my long commuting time but I always fall asleep after a few minutes.(長い通勤時間に勉強しようとしていますが、いつも数分後には寝てしまいます。)
  • My teacher gives me too much homework.(私の先生は宿題をどっさり出す。)
  • If it weren't for the persistence of my teacher, I would have given up long ago.(先生の粘り強さがなかったら、ずいぶん前に私は諦めていたでしょう。)
  • I was doing fine until I hit some difficulties about six months ago.(約6か月前に壁にぶち当たるまではうまくやっていました。)
  • I just can't seem to concentrate on anything these days.(最近何にも集中できないようようなんだ。)


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