
Talking about your children
What are your kids like?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What are your kids like?

My son is a beautiful and good boy. He wonders which way he should take, information technology or medical jobs. Those fields are intersected, and new IT-related jobs come out one after another. Anyway, I'm going to support and encourage him for his future.


My son is a beautiful and good boy. He wonders which career path he should take: information technology or medical jobs. Those fields are intersected, and new IT-related jobs come out one after another. Anyway, I'm going to support and encourage him for his future.

1. This is a better way to phrase this part.
2. Replaced the comma with a colon to indicate that you are introducing a list of options.
Your son sounds talented and has diverse interests! It's great that you're supportive. Does he lean more towards one field over the other, or is he exploring both IT and medical jobs equally at the moment?

He is interested in both of them. He's still little and doesn't understand the world, so characters in movies affect him. He likes "Star Wars" and a TV show called "NCIS." He liked a medical examiner called Ducky in "NCIS." Unfortunately, David McCallum, the actor who played Ducky, passed away at 90 the other day due to a natural cause. I don't know much about "Star Wars."


He's interested in both of them. He's still little and doesn't understand the world, so characters in movies affect him. He likes "Star Wars" and a TV show called "NCIS." He liked a medical examiner called Ducky in "NCIS." Unfortunately, David McCallum, the actor who played Ducky, passed away at 90 the other day due to a natural cause. I don't know much about "Star Wars."

1. It is best to express this as a contraction to maintain consistency.
2. You can also phrase it like this: "There's not much I know about 'Star Wars'."
I'm glad that you observe his skills and interests carefully. Do you think each of the two fields needs particular talents different from the other? What else would you like to share with us?

The skills in math and science will bring advantages. Still, the gift of being liked by everyone is essential. I know a talented woman who is quick to grasp. She can't live without saying sarcastic things and can't stop being one-up to others. She is such a cheapskate that she fails to fulfill her duty. Most people hate her. Employers always fire her. Only people in a cult get close to her.


Having skills in math and science will be advantageous. Still, the gift of being liked by everyone is essential. I know a talented woman who is quick to grasp. She can't live without saying sarcastic things and can't stop one-upping others. She's such a cheapskate that she fails to fulfill her duty. Most people hate her. Employers always fire her. Only people in a cult get close to her.

1. Better phrasing for this part.
2. This is a better way to phrase this part.
3. It is best to express this as a contraction to maintain consistency.
  • rascal(わんぱく、やくざなやつ、悪党)
  • introverted(内向きな)
  • willful(頑固な、強情な、自分勝手な(非難の気持ちをこめて))
  • mischievous(いたずら好きな、ちゃめっ気のある)
  • precocious(早熟な、ませた)
  • extroverted(〔人が〕外向的な)
  • gregarious(社交好きな、社交的な)
  • bashful(恥ずかしがり屋の、人見知りする)
  • reticent(無口な、感情を出さない、控えめな)
  • outgoing(社交的な)
  • My daughter takes after her mother and is quite willful.(私の娘は私に似て、とても頑固なの。)
  • My daughter will be going to college soon so I'm starting to get sad.(私の娘はもうすぐ大学に入学するので、悲しくなるわ。)
  • I'm a little worried about my daughter because she's so introverted.(私は娘に関してちょっと心配です。彼女はとても内気なので。)
  • My wife and I are thinking about having another child.(妻と私はもうひとり子供をもつことを考えています。)
  • The twins are into everything these days so I can't rest for even a moment.(双子たちが最近何にでも夢中になって、私はちっとも休めないの。)
  • My youngest son just got accepted to a great university.(うちの一番下の息子が素晴らしい大学に合格したんだ。)
  • My son has been hinting that he wants to get a driver's license soon.(うちの息子は近々運転免許を取りたいってほのめかしているわ。)
  • Since my youngest daughter moved out to attend a university overseas, my wife and I are suffering from what's known as the "empty nest syndrome".(末娘が海外の大学に進学して以来、私たち夫婦はいわゆる「空の巣症候群」に悩まされています。)
  • We had to rush our son to the hospital this past weekend because he sprained his ankle while playing baseball.(この週末、息子が野球をしていて足首を捻挫したため、急いで病院に連れて行かなければなりませんでした。)
  • My middle daughter just decided to take a break from work and will be backpacking throughout Europe for about a year.(真ん中の娘は、仕事を休むことにして、1年ほどヨーロッパをバックパッカーで旅することになりました。)


  • 日常
  • 初級
  • 自己紹介
  • 自分の考え