
Expressing your feelings to someone you like
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Good girl, I have something I want to talk to you about today.
You're really young and pretty, so it's always eye candy. Stay with me, I'll do anything. Good girl, I'll give you anything.
Good girl, I have something I want to talk to you about today.
You're really young and pretty, so it's always eye candy. Stay with me, I'll do anything. Good girl, I'll give you anything.
1. Everything is correct, an alternative expression you can use here is ''...I would like to...''.
Thank you for your compliment. However, as you have said, I'm young. Also, I have big dreams to fulfill. I have no time for romance.
Why? I'll pay you all the money you need for your dreams, and I'll do anything for you, a cute girl. Can you tell me what kind of dream you want to make come true, cute girl?
I really want to spend time travelling. On my own. I appreciate your compliments, but can you understand that - honestly - you're not quite the person I'm looking for?
Well, it's not really your direct problem. I think it's best just to say that you're not my type. Do you get me?
Well, you're a guy, right? I'm a girl, but I don't fancy guys. Do you see where I'm coming from now?
- sharing(〔考えなどを〕共有すること)
- brazen(ずうずうしい、恥知らずの)
- fondness(好み)
- charming(魅力的な)
- romantic(恋愛の、ロマンチックな)
- amorous(恋の、恋愛に関する)
- deep(深い)
- passion(愛情、情熱)
- innermost((名)最深部 (形)一番奥の)
- core(主要部、核)
- These are for you.((差し出して)どうぞ。)
- I was hoping you would ask me out.(あなたが私を誘ってくれたらなぁと思っていたの。)
- I'm not very good at this, but I thought I'd let you know that I like you very much.(こんなことは得意ではないのだけど、君のことが大好きだということを言っておかなければと思って。)
- I'm going out on a limb here, but would you like to join me for a drink after work today?(いきなりですが、今日の仕事終わりに一緒に飲みに行きませんか?)
- I don't know what to say.(なんて言えばいいのかしら。)
- I'm not usually this forward, but would you like to have dinner with me sometime?(普段はあまり積極的ではありませんが、たまには私と一緒に食事でもしませんか?)
- I'd love to go out with you tonight ... or any night.(今夜・・・いつでもあなたとデートしたいわ。)
- Please accept these as a token of my affection for you.(あなたへの愛情の証としてお受け取りください。)
- I had no idea that you thought of me in this way.(こんな風に私のことを思っていたなんて気付かなかった。)
- I'm sorry, but I have a boyfriend.(ごめんなさい、でも私彼氏いるの。)