
Deciding on what movie to see
What do you feel like seeing?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you feel like seeing?

I would like to watch the "Joker". Some people say that movie would be bad influence for young people. Do you think about it?


I would like to watch the "Joker". Some people say that movie would be a bad influence on young people. Do you think about it?

1. The singular noun "influence" requires an article before it.
2. This is the preposition to use with the noun "influence in this context.
I find that statement ridiculous, to be honest. Young people are surrounded by a thousand things that can have a negative influence on them and are much more real than a simple film. I'm eager to watch this movie, too. What is it that you find appealing about it?

Thank you for your frankly opinion. There are miserable people in everywhere afterward, such people feel sympathy with Joker. The person who influenced with Joker would attack for society. I agree with your opinion but there is possibility the movie would be one of the reasons to do math shooting like that.


Thank you for your frank opinion. There are miserable people everywhere, such people feel sympathy for Joker. The person who is influenced by Joker would attack society. I agree with your opinion but there is a possibility the movie would be one of the reasons to do a mass shooting.

1. This should be an adjective since it describes a noun.
2. The preposition "in" is unnecessary here.
3. This is the preposition to use here to express purpose.
4. This is a more natural way of saying this, the way an English speaker would.
5. The preposition "for" is unnecessary here.
6. The singular noun requires an article before it.
7. The singular noun "shooting" requires an article before it.
8. This is the correct spelling of the word.
9. Try to avoid using unnecessary words.
The Joker is one of my favorite characters in movies. I think everyone can relate to him in some way. Have you seen all of the Batman movies?

No, I haven't seen any Batman movies. I don't like super hero movied very much to begin with but, the movies was recommeded by ny friend at SNS. Therefore, I would like to watch it.


No, I haven't seen any Batman movies. I don't like superhero movies very much to begin with but, the movie was recommended by my friend on SNS. Therefore, I would like to watch it.

1. and 2. This is the correct spelling of the word.
3. You are referring to one movie, so use the singular form of this noun here.
4. and 5. This is the correct spelling of the word.
6. This is the preposition to use here to express location.
I think that it's something else. There is this popular trend of changing the viewers' perspective and presenting the human side of once demonized villains. I think that what people like about it is that those villains with all their flaws often turn out to be much more human than those superheroes they are pitted against.

You have good insight. You know, generaly, superhero's character is very simple so, it's not so attractive for adults. I'm sure children love it but when grow up them, they are aware superhero is just a fiction. On the other hand, villains character is more realistic.


You have good insight. You know, generally, a superhero's character is very simple so, it's not so attractive for adults. I'm sure children love it but when they grow up, they are aware superheroes are just fiction. On the other hand, villain characters are more realistic.

1. This is the correct spelling of the word.
2. The singular noun "superhero" requires an article before it.
3. This is a more natural way of saying this, the way an English speaker would.
4. Since you are speaking in general, use the plural form of this noun here.
5. There is no need to use articles before this noun.
6. This is a more natural way of saying this, the way an English speaker would.
I guess that superheroes could be considered modern-day deities in a way. I mean, even though people don't actually believe in their existence, they are worshipped nonetheless.

You are a really intelligent person. I love your perspective. Nowadays, sweet dream has gone even American dream. It definition is getting wealthier life than thier parents. I understand noone can believe it. Nontheless, we have to seek an idle of superhero even fiction. Some might say, this is our sad humanity.


You are a really intelligent person. I love your perspective. Nowadays, the sweet dream has gone, even the American dream. Its definition is getting a wealthier life than their parents. I understand no one can believe it. Nonetheless, we have to seek an ideal of superheroes even though it's fiction. Some might say, this is our sad humanity.

1. and 2. Since you are referring to a specific dream, there should be a definite article before this noun.
3. Use this possessive pronoun here to refer to the definition.
4. The singular noun requires an article before it.
5. and 6. This is the correct spelling of the word.
7. This is the correct spelling of the word.
8. Since you are speaking in general, use the plural form of this noun here.
9. This is a more natural way of saying this, the way an English speaker would.
  • genre(分野、ジャンル、部門)
  • horrific(恐ろしい、ゾッとするような)
  • dramatic(劇的な、ドラマチックな)
  • thriller(スリルを味わわせる人やもの)
  • cinematography(映画撮影術)
  • suspense(サスペンス、気掛かり、不安)
  • serial(連続番組、シリーズ)
  • blockbuster(大ヒット(作)、大当たり)
  • screenplay(〔映画などの〕脚本)
  • comedy(コメディ)
  • Will you let me pay this time?(今回は私に払わせてもらえますか?)
  • Please promise me that you won't answer your cell phone again while the movie is playing.(映画が上演されている間、二度と電話に出ないって約束して。)
  • Would you mind if some other friends joined us?(他の友達が参加しても良いですか?)
  • Watching DVDs at home is fine, but there's nothing like watching a blockbuster movie on the big screen.(家でDVDを観るのはいいけど、銀幕で大ヒット映画を観るに限るよ。)
  • I heard that this movie is a real tear jerker.(この映画は本当に涙を誘う感動的な映画だと聞いています。)
  • Let's do the whole thing of dining at a fancy restaurant, then catching a movie, and then topping the evening off by going dancing in Roppongi.(まず素敵なレストランで食事してから映画を観て、それから六本木に踊りに行って夜を締めくくるという一連のことを全部やろうよ。)
  • I vote for a quiet evening at my place watching old movies and eating too much popcorn.(私は、自分の家で古い映画を見て、ポップコーンを食べ過ぎる静かな夜に一票。)
  • I don't mind seeing a chick flick if you promise to see an action movie next week.(来週、アクション映画を見ると約束してくれるなら、女性向けの映画を見てもいいよ。)
  • Let's watch a Japanese movie because I'm getting tired of reading subtitles.(字幕を読むのに疲れたから日本映画を観ようよ。)
  • They're showing a double feature at the old theater in Asakusa.(浅草の古い映画館で2本立てをやっている。)


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