
Telling a funny story
Why are you smiling?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why are you smiling?

Didn't you watch the yesterday's news? Okay, I'll reproduce for you.
Reporter: Mr. president! Please speak more clearly.Your voice is so muffle because of your mask, and we can't see your mouth movement.
Biden: What did you say? Don't you see my jaw?
Reporter: Mr. president! We've heard some people suffered side effects caused by vaccines. Is it true?
Biden: It depends. Please try to get a shot to find a truth.
Reporter: Mr. president! If we will die by the vaccines, what assurance do you prepare?
Biden: One way ticket to heaven.


Didn't you watch    yesterday's news? Okay, I'll reproduce it for you.
Reporter: Mr. President! Please speak more clearly. Your voice is so muffled because of your mask, and we can't see your mouth movement.
Biden: What did you say? Don't you see my jaw?
Reporter: Mr. President! We've heard some people suffered side effects caused by vaccines. Is it true?
Biden: It depends. Please try to get a shot to find out.
Reporter: Mr. President! If we    die from the vaccines, what assurance do you give?
Biden: A one way ticket to heaven.

1 8. This expression is unnecessary.
2. Missing an object.
3 5 7. Capitalize.
4. Spelling.
6 10. An alternative expression.
9. Correct preposition.
11. Use "a" to refer to a non-specific noun the first time you mention it.
Haha, very funny. Thank you for sharing this with me I really laughed. Did you watch the news yourself?

Not much. I'll watch it if it were funny like this.
Reporter: Excuse me, Mr. Elon Masks.
Elon: My name is Elon Musk. I'm wearing a mask now, but you don't change my name into plural form. Basically, you remember spelling my name wrong.
reporter: Sorry sir. I heard one of Chinese was protesting you on the top of TeslerX.
Elon: Sound strange. I described the car entrance clearly in the instruction manual.
reporter: Recently, I also heard your car had a engine trouble.
Elon: It may happened because we are also making rockets recently.


Not much. I'll watch it if it is funny like this.
Reporter: Excuse me, Mr. Elon Masks.
Elon: My name is Elon Musk. I'm wearing a mask now, but you don't change my name into plural form. Basically, you spelled my name wrong.
Reporter: Sorry sir. I heard one of Chinese was protesting you on the top of TeslerX.
Elon: Sounds strange. I described the car entrance clearly in the instruction manual.
Reporter: Recently, I also heard your car had    engine trouble.
Elon: It may have happened because we are also making rockets recently.

1. You are not referring to a hypothetical situation.
2 4. Paraphrased for accuracy and clarity to express your point.
3. Please consult with your Skype teacher regarding the meaning of this sentence.
5. No article needed.
6. Missing the auxiliary verb.
Some reporters make news worth watching especially when they are reporting in a funny way. You can continue.

My imagination is running out. Lastly, please enjoy the real story.
reporter: It is ridiculous to hold the Olympic Games in the middle of the pandemic.
government: Don't worry about that. We have already requested health care workers for gathering to Tokyo and preparing for the cases.
citizen: What!


My imagination is running out. Lastly, please enjoy the real story.
Reporter: It is ridiculous to hold the Olympic Games in the middle of the pandemic.
Government: Don't worry about that. We have already requested health care workers to assemble in Tokyo and prepare for the cases.
Citizen: What!

1. Paraphrased for accuracy and clarity to express your point.
  • jest((名)ふざけ (動)~をからかう)
  • levity(軽率、場違いな陽気さ)
  • jokester(冗談好きな人(アメリカ英語))
  • humor(ユーモア、おかしみ)
  • comedy(コメディ)
  • amused(面白がっている、愉快になった)
  • antics(ふざけたしぐさ[態度]、滑稽な態度)
  • satire(風刺、皮肉)
  • laughter(笑い)
  • slapstick(どたばた喜劇)
  • This is, without question, the funniest story I have ever heard.(これはまさに今まで聞いた中で一番面白い話だよ。)
  • That's so hilarious!(それすごく笑える!)
  • Where do you come up with these?(こういう話はどこで思いつくの?)
  • Is this a true story?(これって本当の話?)
  • We've lost the ability to laugh at ourselves.(自分を笑うことができなくなってしまった。)
  • That's a really funny story.(それは本当に面白い話だね。)
  • You must have been so embarrassed when this happened to you.(このことがあなたに起きた時、困ってしまったに違いないね。)
  • I would just die if this ever happened to me.(こんなことが自分に起きたら死んじゃうかも。)
  • I almost died laughing when I first heard this story.(この話を初めて聞いたとき笑い死にそうだったわ。)
  • Have you ever thought of being a professional comedian?(プロのコメディアンになることを考えたことがある?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 恋愛
  • 口説く