
Deciding where to go for dinner
Where do you feel like going tonight?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Where do you feel like going tonight?

The other day, the Nikkei 225 stock average updated its bubble-era high and reached an all-time high. During the bubble era, the whole of Japan was in high spirits, many young people visited ski resorts, high-end French cuisine was common on dates, and many young people drove luxury sedans. To celebrate the average hitting the-highest for the first time in over 30 years, let's go eat at a French restaurant that costs over 40,000 yen per person on this-date. We'll be driving late at night, so tomorrow we'll go skiing at Naeba, which was popular during the bubble era. How-about-that?


The other day, the Nikkei 225 stock average updated its bubble-era high and reached an all-time high. During the bubble era, the whole of Japan was in high spirits; many young people visited ski resorts, high-end French cuisine was common on dates, and many young people drove luxury sedans. To celebrate the average hitting the highest for the first time in over 30 years, let's go eat at a French restaurant that costs over 40,000 yen per person on this date. We'll be driving late at night, so tomorrow we'll go skiing at Naeba, which was popular during the bubble era. How about that?

1. You have two independent clauses in one sentence. Consider using a semicolon or separating the two ideas into two separate sentences.
2. 3. & 4. The hyphens are unnecessary and should be removed.
Well, I kind of like the idea, but the country is very different now than it was then. I think I might feel a bit uncomfortable. I wonder if a more modest celebration might be in order? After all, we haven't made that much money from our investments. What do you think?

I still remember job-hunting during the bubble-era. Back then, if you went for a job interview, you might get accepted immediately or receive a trip-to-Hawaii as-a-gift. When I was in college, I used to drink champagne with my club. Since the bursting of the bubble economy, both work and Japan's-economy have had some tough times. I started learning about stock investment in the 2000s and grew my assets as the Nikkei Stock Average rose. Now I also invest in stocks in the US, India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. The current asset amount exceeds 100-million-yen. I'll buy you a date this time.


I still remember job-hunting during the bubble era. Back then, if you went for a job interview, you might get accepted immediately or receive a trip to Hawaii as a gift. When I was in college, I used to drink champagne with my club. Since the bursting of the bubble economy, both work and Japan's economy have had some tough times. I started learning about stock investment in the 2000s and grew my assets as the Nikkei Stock Average rose. Now, I also invest in stocks in the US, India, Indonesia, and Nigeria. The current asset amount exceeds 100 million yen. I'll buy you a date this time.

1. 2. 3. & 5. The hyphens are unnecessary and should be removed.
4. Use a comma after the introductory word or phrase.
This must have been an exciting time to have been job hunting. How many times do you think people changed jobs? It is very endearing to learn that you are well versed in Stocks and the market. Would you say you are a careful investor? What do you look at before you invest?

In the past, lifelong employment was the norm, and many people continued working in the jobs they were hired as new graduates until they retired. However, with the spread of job-based recruitment, many people are looking for a job change. Nowadays, it is common to change jobs at least twice in a person's life, and it is becoming more and more common for people to change jobs at least twice. Lifetime employment is predicated on economic growth and population growth, so it's-natural-that it would become obsolete in the modern era when-this-is-not-the-case.
Anyway, let's go on a date with me, please!


In the past, lifelong employment was the norm, and many people continued working in the jobs they got after graduating until they retired. However, with the spread of job-based recruitment, many people are looking for a job change. Nowadays, it is common to change jobs at least twice in a person's life, and it is becoming more and more common for people to change jobs at least twice. Lifetime employment is predicated on economic growth and population growth, so it's natural that it would become obsolete in the modern era when this is not the case.
Anyway, let's go on a date    , please!

1. Rephrase to make the meaning clearer.
2. & 3. The hyphens are unnecessary and should be removed.
4. "with me" is unnecessary and should be removed.
  • casual(〔雰囲気などが〕形式張らない)
  • alien(異星人、宇宙人)
  • exotic((名)外来のもの (形)外国産の)
  • contradictory(相反する、矛盾する)
  • mundane(日常的な、平凡な、つまらない)
  • contrary(正反対の)
  • rustic(田舎の、粗野な)
  • adventurous(向こう見ずな、冒険心のある)
  • insane(正気とは思えない、ばかげた)
  • batty(少し頭の変な)
  • Wherever you want to go is fine with me.(あなたが行きたい所ならどこでもいいよ。)
  • Since I chose a restaurant last time, it's your turn now.(前回は私がレストランを選んだから今回はあなたの番です。)
  • Pasta is fine, but I just had some for lunch today.(パスタはいいけど今日ランチに食べたんだよ。)
  • How about checking out that new izakaya that opened recently in Shibuya?(渋谷に最近オープンした新しい居酒屋に行ってみない?)
  • I went to a great fusion restaurant last week that I want to take you to.(フュージョンが聴けるすごいレストランに先週行ったので君を連れて行きたいな。)
  • I haven't had yakitori in ages.(当分焼き鳥を食べていないな。)
  • I know this is sheer lunacy, but let's catch the bullet train to Kyoto to have dinner.(本当に愚かだと分かっているけど、新幹線に乗って京都でディナーにしよう。)
  • Would you settle for a home cooked meal at my place?(私の家で家庭料理を食べてくれませんか?)
  • How about just getting some fast food and eating it at the beach while watching the sunset?(ファストフードを買ってきて、サンセットを見ながらビーチで食べるのはどう?)
  • Are you thinking candles and a white table cloth or a drive-thru?(キャンドルがあって白いテーブルクロスのレストラン、それともドライブスルー、どちらを考えている?)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 恋愛
  • 口説く