
Apologizing for missing her birthday
You forgot my birthday!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
You forgot my birthday!

I'm really sorry. I'm going to celebrate your birthday this weekend.
As you know, I have been swamped since I joined a new project team last month. I need to stay at the office until midnight or attend a drinking party because of my boss order.
However, I will be spare a lot of time for you this weekend.


I'm really sorry. I'm going to celebrate your birthday this weekend.
As you know, I have been swamped since I joined a new project team last month. On my boss's order, I need to stay at the office until midnight or attend a drinking party.
However, I will  spare a lot of time for you this weekend.

1. This is better word phrasing.
2. The verb 'be' is redundant here.
Considering your demanding work schedule and the limited time you have available, how do you plan to make the most of the time you'll be sparing for the birthday celebration?

Please calm down, baby.
I have already made an elaborate plan, but I would like to surprise you, so could you allow me not to speak about it at this moment?
I will pick you up at 9 am this Saturday. I will never disappoint you.
Actually, I prepare a special present for you.


Please calm down, baby.
I have already made an elaborate plan, but I would like to surprise you, so could you allow me not to speak about it at this moment?
I will pick you up at 9 am this Saturday. I will never disappoint you.
Actually, I am preparing a special present for you.

1. Use the present continuous verb tense to indicate that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future.
Is that so? It better be good.
Saturday is around the corner, and I can't wait to see what you have planned. I was disappointed to think you'd actually forgotten about my birthday.

I am so sorry, baby, but I promise that I will never disappoint you from now on.
Anyway, how have you been today? I saw your post on Instagram. With whom did you go to the gorgeous restaurant? I was surprised to see that you enjoyed quite rich dinner which I have never had.


I am so sorry, baby, but I promise that I will never disappoint you from now on.
Anyway, how have you been today? I saw your post on Instagram. With whom did you go to the beautiful restaurant? I was surprised to see that you enjoyed quite a rich dinner which I have never had.

1. This is a better word choice.
2. Add the indefinite article when you are referring to something in general terms.
James, from work, treated me to a birthday lunch. I had never been to BT restaurant before. It's simply amazing!
We must go there some day.

I see, but why didn't you tell me before you had lunch with James?
You know I hate James because he is always too proud of himself, and I heard he
talk behind my back.
On top of that, I don't feel good about you going to a restaurant with a man alone.


I see, but why didn't you tell me before you had lunch with James?
You know I hate James because he is so full of himself and I heard him talk behind my back.
On top of that, I don't feel good about you going to a restaurant with a man alone.

1. This is a more natural expression.
2. This is proper word collocation
There was no way I would turn him down when he offered to treat me to a birthday lunch, I figured that it would be rude. Besides, it was in public so I was totally safe. So where are you planning to take me?

I understand, but even when you had a difficulty in rejecting an offer, you should have tried to find an alternative way, for example, asking your coworker to accompany. Also, I think it's a kind of sexual harassment to ask a woman to have lunch together although she feels reluctant.
As I said, please let me keep the secret about this weekend plan to surprise you.


I understand, but even when you had  difficulty in rejecting an offer, you should have tried to find an alternative way, for example, asking another coworker to accompany you. Also, I think it's a kind of sexual harassment to ask a woman to have lunch together when she's reluctant.
As I said, please let me keep the secret about this weekend's plan to surprise you.

1. The indefinite article is redundant here.
2. Use the determiner 'another' to refer to an additional person or thing of the same type as one already mentioned or known about; one more; a further.
3. This is proper word collocation.
4. Better phrasing
5. Apostrophes are used to form the possessive form of a singular noun or a plural noun not ending in s by adding ' and an s at the end.
  • amends(償い)
  • hurtful(〔精神的または肉体的に〕傷つける)
  • unthinking(軽率な、思考力のない)
  • apology(謝罪、わび)
  • trying(腹立たしい、癪に障る)
  • remorse(深い後悔)
  • teasing(からかう(ような))
  • insensitive(無神経な、思いやりのない)
  • vulnerable(弱い、脆弱な)
  • dishonesty(不誠実、ごまかし)
  • I apologize for yelling at you in front of your friends.(友達の前で怒鳴ってしまったことを謝ります。)
  • Please forgive me for forgetting your birthday.(君の誕生日を忘れていたことを許して。)
  • Please don't go to bed angry.(怒ったまま寝ないで。)
  • I'm sorry for the way I acted this morning.(今朝あんな態度をとってごめん。)
  • Excuse me for accidentally opening your mail.(うっかりあなたの郵便を開けてしまってすみません。)
  • I know it was a very aggravating moment for you and I should have been more sensitive.(君にとって腹立たしい時間だったと思うので、もっと気を利かせるべきだった。)
  • I didn't mean to embarrass you at the restaurant.(レストランであなたを困らせるつもりはありませんでした。)
  • I know you must be very disappointed in me.(私にはもうがっかりしているでしょ。)
  • I'm sorry for hurting your feelings last night.(昨夜は君の気持ちを傷つけて悪かった。)
  • How can I make this up for you?(どうやって君にこの埋め合わせをすれば良い?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 恋愛
  • 謝罪する