
Apologizing for eating cake
Why did you eat my cake?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Why did you eat my cake?

What are you talking about? cake? I do not know what you are talking about.


What are you talking about? Cake? I do not know what you are talking about.

1. The first word of a sentence needs to be capitalized.
I had a piece of my birthday cake in the fridge. I left it there so I can eat it after lunch. Now it is not there. Did you eat it?

Yeah,we celebrate your birthday yesterday. Happy birthday! By the way, how is the second day of 23?


Yeah, we celebrated your birthday yesterday. Happy birthday! By the way, how is your second day of being 23?

1. You are talking about the past, so you need a past tense here.
2. This is a more suitable choice of determiner here.
3. Just saying "23" here isn't enough, you need to add this gerund.
Yeah, it is great. I wish I had a cake to celebrate it with. Please don't avoid the subject, answer my question.

Haha, I like your face even if you are angry. So cute an lovely. You are always perfect.


Haha, I like your face even when you are angry. So cute and lovely. You are always perfect.

1. You need "when" here as you aren't talking about a possible or imaginary situation.
Well, thank you very much for giving me compliments. I think you are currently just looking for a way out of this situation. Why is it so difficult just to say that you ate my cake?

Yeah, you win. I ate your cake. I'm so sorry. Are you happy now?


Yeah, you win. I ate your cake. I'm so sorry. Are you happy now? Is that what you wanted to hear?

1. Although it isn't necessary, you can add this part to enrich your response a bit.
Yes, I am. Now you can make it up to me by taking me out. We can go to a restaurant and we can both have a cake. What do you think?

Sure, that's great. I though we ate cake yesterday and, you know, I also ate today.
But..I love you as much as you love cakes! Let's go there.


Sure, that's great. I thought we ate cake yesterday and, you know, I also ate it today.
But..I love you as much as you love cakes! Let's go there.

1. You've made a spelling mistake here.
2. You need an object here to go with "eat', this pronoun is the best choice.
  • accordance(一致、調和)
  • uncharacteristic(特徴的ではない、特質のない)
  • incomprehensible(理解し難い、不可解な)
  • atypical(型にはまらない、不規則な)
  • reprimand(叱りつける、叱責する)
  • ensure((物などを)確保する)
  • inexcusable((悪事・過ちなどが度を超して)許せない、弁解できない)
  • inexplicable(説明し難い、解釈し難い)
  • Your point is well taken and I sincerely apologize for your inconvenience.(あなたのご指摘はごもっともで、ご不便をおかけしたことを深く謝ります。)
  • I will promise you that this will never happen again.(もうこのようなことが起きないことを約束します。)
  • Please forgive me.(どうかお許しください。)
  • It is hard to understand you being angry over such a thing.(こんなことで怒っていることが理解し難いです。)
  • I understand that this was a difficult issue for you to forgive.(あなたにとって許し難い問題なのは理解しました。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 恋愛
  • 謝罪する