
You shouldn't check it without my permission!
What are you doing?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What are you doing?

I am trying to check how your phone's cloud setting is now.


I am trying to check what your phone's cloud setting is now.

1. use "what" to refer to a specific thing and "how" to refer to the way/method for something
Did ask permission before doing that? You're not supposed to use or look at someone else's phone without asking permission.

I thought I have but I suppose it was not conducted properly. Please forgive me. I did not mean to let you down.


I thought I have, but I suppose I didn't. Please forgive me. I did not mean to upset you.

1. The comma punctuation must be used to separate two independent clauses connected by a conjunction eg., and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet
2. here, you are talking about "asking". Conduct is not a suitable verb to indicate this activity because we can't conduct "asking" but "do" it
3. let down>> to disappoint. Upset>> make someone angry
I see. By the way, why are you checking my cloud setting? Is there something that I need to worry about?

Nothing my dear. If I recall correctly, you once said troubled by the prompt not having enough space to backup many times. I wanted somehow get rid of it for your convenience. You know, I wouldn't make myself checking your messages or photo unless you allow me to view because these privacy should be respected and I trust you, love.


No, my dear. If I recall correctly, you once had trouble with it not having enough space to back up your files many times. I wanted to somehow get rid of it for your convenience. You know, I wouldn't check your messages or photos unless you allowed me to view them because privacy should be respected, and I trust you, love.

1. when questions of feelings/opinions (How are you?/What do you think?/Is there anything else...?) are asked, you can't use "nothing" to respond since it refers to a thing and not your feelings/thoughts
2. say >> to speak. "said troubled" --> to speak troubled (?)--action is impossible. Use possession verbs to indicate what a noun owns
3. "troubled" has to be a noun here since the verb was changed
4. prompt>> a word or symbol on a screen to show that the system is waiting for input--unsuitable noun
5. phrasal verb>> two different words--> Back up
6. I don't like
I don't like HIM
like - transitive verb
*Transitive verbs* -
verbs that must follow a direct object in order to complete its action
I want to PLANT a flower
I will TEACH my children
I will BAKE a cake
7. Prepositions are used to connect nouns and show their relationship in sentences unless a verb is being used. If it is not used, the meaning of the sentence may very likely be incorrect, eg., the plane is the sky (no), the plane is IN the sky (yes)
examples of prepositions --> in, under, beside, under, between, along, of, on
8. a simpler way to say this
9. pluralise general nouns referring to all things in the group
10. Use the subjunctive mood (unless you allowED) and not the present tense when talking about a condition which is doubtful or not factual. We use the present tense to relay facts
11. #6
12. privacy is a state, not a thing, can't use "these" with it
13. The comma punctuation must be used to separate two independent clauses connected by a conjunction eg., and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet
Okay, I trust you but please do not touch my phone again. Are you happy for me to use your phone in such a way?

I will ask you if I am allowed to touch your phone from now on and making sure all operations are under your supervision.
Actually, I do not mind it as much. I believe it’s one of the way showings my faith.


I will ask you if I am allowed to touch your phone from now on and make sure all operations are under your supervision.
Actually, I do not mind it as much. I believe it’s one of the ways of showings my faith in someone.

1. Use present tense verbs to talk about the present (***facts*** or general truths, habits, wishes, routines, unchanging situations, and fixed arrangements)
2. use "one of" + a plural noun--phrase indicates one in a group
3. Prepositions are used to connect nouns and show their relationship in sentences unless a verb is being used. If it is not used, the meaning of the sentence may very likely be incorrect, eg., the plane is the sky (no), the plane is IN the sky (yes)
examples of prepositions --> in, under, beside, under, between, along, of, on
4. An objective complement can be a noun or an adjective which follows the direct object renaming or modifying it. It is used with verbs like make, name, call, choose, elect, and appoint. It is not set off with commas as an appositive is. Example: I call my dog Badger.
Thank you very much. Well, to each his own. Anyway, let's forget about this. Should we go somewhere tonight?

Thank you for your understanding, and I am sorry that made you uncomfortable.
Let's go to have Chinese cuisine, shall we?


Thank you for your understanding, and I am sorry that I made you uncomfortable. Let's go have Chinese cuisine, shall we?

1. nouns do actions, so the noun doing (or did) "made" must be indicated
2. go + activity noun. go TO + place noun
  • disregard((名)無視 (動)無視する、軽視する)
  • scandalous(中傷的な、スキャンダル好きな)
  • undermine(卑劣な手段で攻撃[批判]する、〔名声などを〕ひそかに傷つける)
  • wrongly(誤って、不正に)
  • damage((名)〔人や物の価値を減らす〕損害、(名)〔誉・体面・評判を〕傷つける)
  • twist(〔意味などを〕曲解する、誤解する)
  • sabotage(邪魔する、妨害する)
  • circumvent(〔ずる賢い方法で問題・規制などを〕避ける)
  • misconstrue(悪い意味にとる、誤解する)
  • falsify(偽る、改ざんする)
  • I'm sorry for my scandalous behavior.(私のスキャンダラスなふるまいを謝ります。)
  • My outburst was uncalled for and completely unacceptable.(私の暴走は許されるものではありませんでした。)
  • I've not been able to understand your recent behavior.(最近のあなたの行動が理解できません。)
  • I regret having done such a thing.(そんなことをして後悔をしています。)
  • Please forgive me.(どうかお許しください。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 恋愛
  • 謝罪する