
Greeting a co-worker who has traveled from another city to meet with you
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

Hi. It's been a long time. How's it going?


Hi. It's been a long time. How's it going?

1. Your original expression is grammatically correct. This is just an alternative: "It's been a while."
Yes, long time no see. I didn't know you still lived around here. Good to see you. It's going well, thanks. How about you?

Yes, I still have lived the apartment which you came before, but I plan to move to UK next April due to a job transfer. Pretty good, thank you for asking.


Yes, I'm still staying in the apartment that you visited before, but I plan to move to the UK next April due to a job transfer. Pretty good. Thank you for asking.

1. The Present Continuous Tense (Be Ving) is more suitable for actions that are happening in the middle of a time period.
2. "Stay" implies less permamence than "live".
3. "Stay" is an Intransitive Verb (IV) so you need a Preposition after it.
4. You don't need "which" here because the Noun isn't specific.
5. The pattern of "come" is "come to" so it's better to use "visit" here.
6. The name "UK" always comes with definite Article "the".
7. You can't use a comma to combine two Independent Clauses.
The UK? Wow! That sounds exciting. Which part of the UK are you going to? Is is with the same company?

Yea, the UK. I plan to go to Bristol, which is the south area of England. I know that there is a hometown of Banksy. I like his art, so I'm exciting to go there. Yes, it's a transfer to another branch of the same company.


Yeah, the UK. I plan to go to Bristol, which is the south of England. I know that that's Banksy's hometown. I like his art, so I'm excited to go there. Yes, it's a transfer to another branch of the same company.

1. You misspelled this word.
2. "Area" is redundant and unnecessary here. The meaning is already clear.
3. You shouldn't use the phrase "there is" because you're not referring to existence.
4. The Possessive form is more suitable than "of" here because the content is short.
5. "Excited" is more suitable here because it has a Passive meaning. This kind of Participle is used for people while "exciting" is used for things.
  • hardship(〔欠乏によるひどい〕困難、苦難)
  • reciprocate(意気投合する、行ったり来たりする)
  • partnership(〔仕事の上での〕協調、協力)
  • arduous(〔仕事などが〕努力を要する)
  • tiresome(うんざりする、退屈な)
  • kindred(親族、親類 )
  • correspond(一致する、連絡する、文通する)
  • tandem(〔二者の〕提携、連携)
  • exhausted((形)疲れ切った、ばてた)
  • grateful((形)感謝する)
  • Good morning. How long did it take to get here?(おはようございます。ここまでどのくらい時間がかかりましたか。)
  • I hope you were able to find a seat on that busy train.(あの混んでいる電車で座席を見つけられるといいね。)
  • Have you been to the main office before?(本社に行ったことがある?)
  • I fell asleep on the train and nearly missed my stop.(電車で居眠りしてしまい、もうちょっとで降りる駅を行き過ぎるところだった。)
  • Don't forget to ask the company to reimburse you for your train ticket.(電車賃を払ってもらうように会社に頼むことを忘れないように。(reimburse立て替え分を返金する))
  • Fortunately, I was able to use my time on the train to finish reading your report.(幸運にも電車に乗っている時間を使って君の報告書を読み終わることができた。)
  • I'll go and visit you when it's time for our next meeting.(次回は私があなたに会いに行きますよ。)
  • Sorry, I was waiting at the wrong turnstile area.(ごめん、違う自動改札口で待っていたよ。)
  • Would you like to check into your hotel before heading out to the office?(オフィスに向かう前にホテルでチェックインしたいですか。)
  • The company car is right around the corner.(会社の車はすぐそこです。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
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  • 挨拶する