
Greeting a good friend
長い間会っていない友達と街で偶然出会うことってありますよね。 近況を聞いたり世間話をして、古い友人とのお喋りを楽しみましょう!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。

Long time no see!


Long time no see!

Another expression: It's been a while!
You can say that again. It's been a while. I'm very happy to see you again. How have you been doing?

I've been working at Ueno company. How about you?


I've been good. I've been working at Ueno company. How about you?

1 This was added for better expression, 'how have you been doing' means 'how are you doing, or how are you?'
Well, I recently got back from a 2-year teaching stint in the Middle East. I'm taking a break, but I'll start looking for a job at some point. How is it working there?

I see. Ueno company is a good company. The Middle East? What country were you in?


I see. Ueno company is a good company. The Middle East? What country were you in?

Another expression: Which country did you stay in?
I worked at a primary school in Qatar. I had a great time there and learned lots of things. When did you start working there? I don't remember you talking about it before.

Oh! Qatar! I've never been there. Actually, I have been working there for 10 years. Since we haven't talked about our job, you didn't know that. Tell me more about Qatar.


Oh! Qatar! I've never been there. Actually, I have been working there for 10 years. Since we haven't talked about our jobs, you didn't know that. Tell me more about Qatar.

1 you should use plural form, your job and his job are two jobs
Qatar is a modern and vibrant city. It's very progressive. Just takes a little bit of getting used to the culture though. Back to you, you've been working there for 10 years. Wow! How has it been working there for such a long time?

Wow! Nice! I'd like to go to Qatar someday. My company allows me to have second jobs that's why I'm working here.


Wow! Nice! I'd like to go to Qatar someday. My company allows me to have a second job, so that's why I'm working here.

1 it should be singular, there is only one second job
2 you should use conjunction 'so' here, for this reason you are working there
  • enduring(長続きする、我慢強い)
  • compatibility(互換性、適合性)
  • nostalgic(郷愁に満ちた)
  • commonality(〔共有しているありふれた〕性質、特徴)
  • closeness(〔関係の〕親密さ)
  • intimacy(親しい関係)
  • lasting(長続きする、耐久性のある)
  • affinity(〔人や物への〕親しみ、好ましい人)
  • affection(愛情、愛着、優しい気持)
  • amiability(愛想[感じ・人当たり・人付き合い]の良さ)
  • Do you remember the time we got sent to the principal's office?(校長室に呼ばれた時のことを覚えている?)
  • I don't understand how you're able to look so young and fit.(どうすればそんなに若くて元気に見えるのか分からないよ。)
  • We've known each other since childhood.(私たちは子供のころからの知り合いです。)
  • Is that handsome guy over there your new boyfriend?(あそこにいるハンサムな男性は君の新しい彼氏?)
  • Let's find someplace quiet to talk.(静かに話せる場所を探そう。)
  • He would give the maximum effort to help anyone in need.(彼は最大限の援助をしてくれるでしょう。)
  • I heard that you landed a great job at a big company.(君が大企業の良い仕事に就いたと聞いたよ。)
  • Hey! What have you been up to since we last saw each other?(やぁ!この前会った時からどうしていた?)
  • How's the family?(ご家族は元気?)
  • Let's have lunch and catch up on old times.(昼食をとって昔話をしよう。)


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