
Asking about the food
How can I help you, sir?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How can I help you, sir?

Can you tell me your recommendation in this restaurant?


Could you recommend me something good, please?

another example since there were no mistakes
Our specialty is seafood. We serve mixed seafood sizzling plates, sushi, seafood ramen, spicy tuna sandwich, boiled crabs and octopus and a whole lot more! Here's our menu.. What are you having today?

Sound great. Can I get mixed seafood sizzling plates,spicy tuna sandwich and a coke?


Sounds great. Can I get mixed seafood sizzling plates, spicy tuna sandwich and a coke?

1. 'Sounds great.' is short for 'It sounds great.' (it=3rd person singular, therefore sound(verb) needs -s ending)
Great combination! I'll have it ready in 5-10 minutes. We have some samplers at the samplers station. Please help yourself.

Thank you. I'll try it.


Thanks, I appreciate it. I'll go try some.

another example since there were no mistakes
What drink would you like to have? Please let me know if you need anything else. I would be happy to assist you.

As I said, can I get a coke?


As I said, I'll have a coke.

1. As I said, ....+ a statement
another expression: I already asked, but can I get a coke?
Okay, I can of coca cola coming right up! Do you want it in a can or in a glass? Iced or without ice?

I'd like it with ice in a glass.


I'll have it in a glass, with ice. Thank you.

another example since there were no mistakes
  • gluten(グルテン)
  • ethnic(民族の、民族学の)
  • palate(〔五感の〕味覚、嗜好)
  • questionable((道徳性・誠実さなどが)疑わしい、問題がある)
  • pricey(値段の高い)
  • squeamish(〔行動が〕潔癖性の〔血やけがなどに〕すぐに気分が悪くなる)
  • unusual(普通でない、まれな)
  • mysterious(不可解な、神秘的な)
  • culinary(料理の、台所の)
  • experiment((名)実験 (動)実験する)
  • I'd like to try some of that, but why is it so expensive?(それちょっと食べてみたいですけど、なぜそんなに高いのですか?)
  • I'm just looking over the menu before my wife gets here because she is a very picky eater. (妻が来る前にメニューに目を通しているところです。なぜなら、彼女はとても好き嫌いが激しいのです。)
  • I used to have those as pets when I was a child.(子供の時それらをペットとして飼っていた。)
  • Your ethnic dishes look very interesting.(このレストランのエスニックなお料理はとても興味深いわね。)


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