
Asking where the nearest jogging path is
What can I do for you, sir?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What can I do for you, sir?

This hotel's marine view is very nice. I'd like to run around sea, next morning.
Could you tell me the joking course. If possible, easy course is better.


This hotel's marine view is very nice. I'd like to run around the sea the next morning.
Could you tell me where the jogging course is? If possible, an easy course is better.

1. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.
2. Rephrase for clarity.
3. You missed this indefinite article here. The indefinite article (an) is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel sound.
That's alright. There is a jogging path three blocks from here. Would you like to be dropped off there?

I would like to run that path, so please tell me more about the location.


I would like to run that path, so please tell me more about the location.

1. Here's an alternative 'kindly'
The path is about 1ten kilometers long. You can go there anytime you wish. What time would you like to go there? Do you need a wake up call?

It's so far. If possible, could you wake me up at 6:00 and bring me the starting point by hotel's car?


It's so far. If possible, could you wake me up at 6:00 and take me to the starting point by the hotel's car?

1. Add this missing preposition to indicate where you want the car to take you.
2. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.
Thars alright. I will be sure to wake up by your requested time and the driver will take you to the jogging path and bring you back to the hotel

I appreciate your help. I'd like to run 15 kilometers. It takes about 1hour. When I finish running, I will call the front desk, so please let me know your number.


I appreciate your help. I'd like to run 15 kilometers. It takes about 1 hour. When I finish running, I will call the front desk, so please let me know your number.

1. Here's an alternative 'assistance'
Okay, sir let me write it down for you. You can contact this number he will be your driver for the rest of your stay here.

Thank you so much.
I'm already looking forward to jogging tomorrow.


Thank you so much.
I'm already looking forward to jogging tomorrow.

1. Here's an alternative 'Thanks a lot'
  • endurance(耐久力、持久力)
  • leisurely(のんびりした、急がない)
  • aerobic(エアロビクスの、有酸素の)
  • pace((名)歩数 (動)ゆったりと歩く)
  • training(トレーニング)
  • cardiovascular(心臓血管の)
  • treadmill(〔トレーニング用の〕トレッドミル、ルームランナー)
  • jarring(神経に障る、耳障りな)
  • fitness(〔運動などによる〕体の健康)
  • marathon(マラソン)
  • My doctor told me to quit smoking and to start running.(主治医から、禁煙とランニングをするように言われました。)
  • I need to run more to lose some of this excess weight.(この余分な体重を減らすためには、もっと走らなければなりません。)
  • I got bored running on your treadmill so I'm wondering if there's a jogging path nearby.(トレッドミルでのランニングに飽きてしまったので、近くにジョギングコースがないかと思っています。)
  • Running is the only way I get to spend time with myself.(ランニングは自分自身と向き合う時間を過ごせる唯一の方法だ。)
  • What kind of terrain does the jogging path run through?(ジョギングコースはどのような地形になっていますか?)
  • Are bicyclists allowed on the jogging path?(ジョギングコースは自転車でも通行できますか?)
  • Your fitness room is great, but I prefer running outdoors.(ここのフィットネスルームは素晴らしいですが、私は屋外で走る方が好きです。)
  • Someone said that running releases chemicals in your brain that make you feel good.(ある人は、走ることで脳内の化学物質が放出され、気分が良くなると言っていました。)
  • I'm here to run in the marathon next week.(来週のマラソン大会に出場するために来ました。)
  • How far is the jogging path from here and is it safe to run on at night?(ここからジョギングコースまでどのくらいの距離ですか?また、夜に走っても安全ですか?)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホテル
  • 場所/時間を話す