
Converting currency
May I help you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
May I help you?

I would like to exchange Japanese yen into euros.
What's the exchange rate now?


I would like to exchange Japanese yen into euros.
What's the current exchange rate?

1. Your question was fine. This is just an alternate expression.
Sure, you can do that. The exchange rate is 0.80 euros for 100 yen. How much would you like to exchange?

Oh, I see.
Well, Do you charge a commission?
I will decide how much I exchange considering the commission.


Oh, I see.
Well, do you charge a commission?
I will decide how much to exchange depending on the commission.

1. Don't capitalise this word here.
2. This is more accurate. Alternately, you can say "...how much I will exchange".
3. This is a slightly more meaningful expression.
Yes, we do. We charge a 2% commission on all exchanges. All currency exchanges in the city charge 2%.

That's fine.
I'd like to exchange 100000 Japanese yen into euros.
I want some small change if possible.


That's fine.
I'd like to exchange 100,000 Japanese yen into euros.
I would like some small change if possible.

1. Your word is fine; this is just an alternate phrase.
Sure, I can give you some coins. Would you like it all in $20 bills, or would you like some large bills like $100 and $50 bills?

I would like it all in $20 bills, please.
Thank you!


I would like it all in $20 bills, please.
Thank you!

Well done, enjoy your speaking lesson!
  • bilingual((名)二言語使用者 (形)二言語を自由に話せる、バイリンガルの)
  • trusted(信用がある)
  • franc(〔貨幣単位〕フラン)
  • peso(ペソ〔中南米諸国およびフィリピンの貨幣単位〕)
  • multilingual(多数の言語を使いこなせる人)
  • notary(公証人)
  • euro(《通貨単位》ユーロ)
  • advance(〔価格の〕増額)
  • pound(ポンド〔イギリスの貨幣単位〕)
  • won(ウォン(韓国の通貨単位))
  • I'm afraid we don't have enough to match that extremely large amount, sir.(申し訳ございません、それほどの大金は両替できかねます。)
  • Yes, we can help you with a cash advance if you have the proper documents on you.(はい、きちんとした書類があれば現金前貸しもできます。)
  • I didn't realize that the euro is the second most traded currency after the U.S. dollar.(私はユーロがアメリカドルの次によく売り買いされている貨幣だとは気付かなかった。)
  • Our currency exchange counter also offers notary services.(うちの両替カウンターでは公証サービスを承ります。)
  • Actually, sir, you can use the euro in over twenty countries in Europe.(実際、あなたはヨーロッパの20か国以上でユーロが使えます。)
  • Do you take this particular credit card?(この特定のクレジットカードは使えますか。)
  • Will I get a better exchange rate at the airport?(空港ではより良い為替レートでしょうか。)
  • I should have exchanged my money before I left Japan.(日本を去る前にお金を両替しておくべきだった。)
  • I'm sorry but we don't handle coin transactions.(申し訳ありませんが、硬貨の取引は取り扱っておりません。)
  • No, I can't guarantee that the exchange rate will be better tomorrow.(いいえ、明日の為替レートが良くなるかどうかは保証できません。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 空港
  • 手続きする