
Reviewing your itinerary
May I make a suggestion?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
May I make a suggestion?

Sure. I'd like you to give me some trip plans with my little kids. We have to leave tomorrow morning, so I prefer not busy plans.


Sure. I'd like you to give me some trip plans with my little kids. We have to leave tomorrow morning, so I don't prefer busy plans.

1. The formula for making a simple present verb negative is do/does + not + [root form of verb]. You can also use the contraction don't or doesn't instead of do not or does not.
I see what you mean. So, you are actually not interested in having an active vacation at all, right?

Yes, we are. If possible, we want to relax in nearby places, but somewhere like my children can enjoy themselves.


Yes, we are. If possible, we want to relax in nearby places, but somewhere where my children can enjoy themselves.

1. Where is most commonly used as an adverb to define a location or position. It can also be used as a conjunction in place of the words "that" or "whereas."
The beach would be the perfect place then. It has an activity area for kids facilitated by the hotel staff.

Sounds nice. What kind of activities are there? If you have further information, please share them. By the way, we don't have a swimsuit today, but can we borrow it?


Sounds nice. What kind of activities are there? If you have further information, please share them. By the way, we don't have swimsuits today, but can we borrow them?

1. You should use the plural form when talking about more than one thing.
2. 'It' refers to a singular noun, and 'them' refers to a plural noun.
Borrowing us strictly prohibited. We have a boutique that sells swimwear though. There is a gymboree and a kiddie pool where they could participate in kiddie games.

Oh, I see, but if we can buy it, there is no problem. The beach must be the right place for us today. My children will also enjoy it. I'll decide to go there. Are there any admission fees?


Oh, I see, but if we can buy it, there is no problem. The beach must be the right place for us today. My children will also enjoy it. I've decided to go there. Are there any admission fees?

1. Use 'have + -ed' when you have an action that happened in the past, but has an effect in the present
The admission fee is 500 yen. There's also a cafe next to it where you can enjoy and also be close to your kids. I hope you have a lovely time!

Well, it is not so bad. It is nice to have a cafe nearby. We want to enjoy the final activity in this country. Thank you for your advice.


Well, it is not so bad. It is nice to have a cafe nearby. We want to enjoy the final activities in this country. Thank you for your advice.

1. You should use the plural form when talking about more than one thing.
  • unworldly(この世のものではない)
  • unwieldy(〔大き過ぎて・重過ぎて〕扱いにくい)
  • precaution(用心、警戒)
  • spontaneous(自発的な、のびのびとした)
  • rarity(珍品)
  • crowded(混雑した)
  • wary(〔人が〕用心深い、慎重な)
  • unpleasant(不愉快な、気持ち悪い)
  • exquisite(非常に美しい、優美な、気品のある)
  • remarkable(注目に値する、優れた)
  • I wouldn't recommend going there at night by yourself.(そこに夜1人で行くのは良くないですよ。)
  • We have the world's oldest building which is a must see.(何日も雨が降っているので、本日川下りはお勧めできません。)
  • I don't recommend going river rafting today because it's been raining for days.(何日間か雨降りだったので今日、ラフティングに川に行かれることはお薦めしません。)
  • If jazz is your thing, there's a club nearby that will knock your socks off.(ジャズがお好きな方には、お勧めのクラブが近くにあります。)
  • Your children will certainly enjoy our petting zoo.(お子さんはきっとふれあい動物園を楽しまれることでしょう。)
  • If you want to try something totally unique, you must visit our underground city.(もし、あなたがユニークなことをしてみたいと思うなら、この地下都市を訪れてみてください。)
  • If you have a weak heart, I suggest avoiding the roller coaster.(心臓が弱い方の場合、ジェットコースターは避けた方がよろしいかと思います。)
  • Our nightlife here is famous throughout the world.(ここでの夜の娯楽は世界で有名です。)
  • If you're free on Sunday, there is a free concert in the park across the street.(日曜日お時間があるのなら、この通りを渡ったところの公園で無料のコンサートがあります。)
  • If you're into museums, the art museum near here has a collection of rare Greek pottery that might interest you.(博物館がお好きな方は、この近くの美術館にギリシャの珍しい陶器のコレクションがありますので、興味があるかもしれません。)


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