
Talking with an immigration agent
Where will you be staying while you're here?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Where will you be staying while you're here?

I have a reservation for a hotel in Colombo. I booked it on the internet.


I have a reservation for a hotel in Colombo. I booked it on the internet yesterday.

1. Your sentences were correct. I gave you an additional word to make the sentence more precise and concise.
Thank you for that information. What is the purpose of your visit to this country? I'm sorry for asking all these questions, sir, but we have to be careful these days.

No, problem. I know your jobs are essential to keep this country safe. I am coming to this country to attend a meeting. Our company is a member of the supply chain association, and it is holding an annual conference here tomorrow. This is the purpose of my trip.


No, problem. I know your jobs are essential to keep this country safe. I am coming to this country to attend a meeting. Our company is a member of the supply chain association, and it is holding an annual conference here tomorrow. That is the purpose of my trip.

1. The word "that" suits the sentence much better than the word "this."
 Thank you for understanding me. For how long do you intend to stay? Is this your first time visiting this country?

Yes, this is the first visit. By the way, how can I count the days of my stay? I have a plan to leave here on July 23rd. Today is July 16rd, right? Should I include today when I count the days of my stay?


Yes, this is the first visit. By the way, how can I count the days of my stay? I have a plan to leave here on July 23rd. Today is July 16rd, right? Should I include today when I count the days of my stay?

1. Your sentences were completely correct. I will offer you an alternative word. You can also use the verb "calculate."
Well, you don't neccesarily have to count the day of your arrival when you count the days of your stay.
Tell me, who will be financing your stay whilst you are here? Is it your company?

Thank you for giving good information. In this case, I stay here for six days, don't I?
And, Yes, My company give me some money for this trip beforehand. I don't have slips for the transfer or anything like such proof right now. It also gives me fifteen thousand yen a day, including accommodation here.


Thank you for giving good information. In this case, I stay here for six days, don't I?
Yes, my company give me some money for this trip beforehand. I don't have slips for the transfer or anything like such proof right now. It also gives me fifteen thousand yen a day, including accommodation here.

1. The conjunction "and" is not needed at the beginning of the sentence, so we removed it.
2. The pronoun "my" doesn't need to be capitalized.
I see. Do you know how much money you are bringing into the country today? Are you travelling alone or with some other people?

I have just thirty thousand yen with me, and I'll withdraw the currency from an automatic teller machine at the airport with my credit card. You know, I'm alone.


I have just thirty thousand yen with me, and I'll withdraw the money from an automatic teller machine at the airport with my credit card. You know, I'm alone.

1. The word "money" suits the sentence much better than the word "currency."
  • globalization(グローバル化、地球規模化)
  • terrorism(テロリズム、暴力行為)
  • emigrate(〔人が移住のために〕自国を離れる)
  • threat(脅迫、脅し)
  • migrate(〔人が経済的理由で他国や他の地域へ〕移住する)
  • undocumented(密入国の、不法滞在の)
  • nationalism(国家主義、愛国心)
  • illegal((名)不法入国者、(形)違法の)
  • immigrate(〔人が移住のために〕他国に入る)
  • unregistered(未登録の)
  • Is there a reason why you only purchased a one way ticket?(なぜ片道切符を購入したのですか。)
  • I'm sorry for asking all these questions, sir, but we can't be too careful these days.(質問ばかりで申し訳ありませんが、最近は油断できません。)
  • We've been having problems recently with undocumented workers entering our country.(不法就労者の入国が最近問題になっています。)
  • Why do you have a tourist visa if you claim to be a resident here?(ここに住んでいると言っているのに、なぜ観光ビザを持っているのですか?)
  • What's the reason for your visit, sir?(ご訪問の目的は?)
  • Are you here on business, sir?(ここへはお仕事で来られたのですか。)
  • The immigration requirements seem to be getting stricter by the day.(入国条件は日に日に厳しくなっているようだ。)
  • Will you be staying at this hotel for the entire duration of your trip?(あなたは旅行中ずっとこのホテルに滞在予定ですか。)
  • Our issues with illegal aliens have divided the country.(不法在留外国人の問題が国を分裂させてきた。)
  • I can't allow your entry until we clear up this apparent discrepancy on your passport.(このパスポートの不一致を解消するまで、入国を許可することはできません。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 空港
  • 手続きする