
Complaining about a cab fare
50 dollars, please.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
50 dollars, please.

What? Are you saying something wrong? Yesterday, I took the same route and it cost me half as much of what you are asking.


What? Are you saying something wrong? Yesterday, I took the same route and it cost me half as much of what you are asking.

1. An alternative expression is "kidding".
I am afraid you heard correct. The cab fare is 50 dollars. Are you sure you took one of our cabs yesterday? You might be confusing this cab company, ABC Taxis, with 123 Cabs.

Of course. It's sure. Yesterday, I took a cab off ACB Taxis. Could you tell me the breakdown of the fare. Moreover, could you give me your cab ID and your name?


Of course. I'm sure. Yesterday, I took a cab of   ACB Taxis. Could you tell me the breakdown of the fare. Moreover, could you give me your cab ID and your name?

1. We use "I'm" in this context.
2. Spelling.
There's no need for all that, sir. I can explain.
The company adjusted its prices. Also, traffic was terrible today. The meter also considers the duration of the ride.

Why do you answer my questions? Do you have something a guilty feeling? I think today's traffic is the same with yesterday's one.


Why don't you answer my questions? Do you feel guilty about something? I think today's traffic is the same as yesterday.

1 2 3. Paraphrased for accuracy and clarity to express your point.
Well, there is no point in arguing about this sir. This is my cab ID and my name is Jack Brown. You can refer to this chart to check the fare if you like.

Thank you for the answer. This is not a fair fare. I can't accept it because it is two times higher than a regular one. Can I check the chart, please.


Thank you for the answer. This is not a fair fare. I can't accept it because it is two times higher than the regular one. Can I check the chart, please.

1. Use "the" to refer to a specific noun.
Sure. By all means, please check the chart so you will know I am charging you right. If you want, you can check Google on your phone how many kilometers is your place from where I picked you up.

Okay, I will check it. Well, I think this is the incorrect and unreliable chart. You didn't explain the reason why the fare is two times higher than usual. I will tell your company.


Okay, I will check it. Well, I think this is an incorrect and unreliable chart. You didn't explain the reason why the fare is two times higher than usual. I will tell your company.

1. Use "a / an" to refer to a non-specific noun the first time you mention it.
  • exploit(~を不当[違法]に使う)
  • unreasonable(不当な、理屈に合わない)
  • authorities(当局)
  • naivete(〈フランス語〉だまされやすいこと、ばか正直)
  • tarnish((名)〔名声・名誉・評判などの〕汚点、傷 (動)〔名声に〕傷をつける)
  • illegal(違法の、非合法の)
  • licensed(認可された)
  • regulatory(取り締まる、規定する)
  • standard(基準、標準)
  • unaware(気付かない、意識しない)
  • You should be ashamed of yourself for taking advantage of the naiveté of foreigners.(外国人がだまされやすいという点を利用していることをあなたは恥ずべきです。)
  • I took the same route two days ago and it cost me half as much of what you're asking.(私は2日前に同じルートを取りましたが、あなたの要求の半分の費用で済みました。)
  • If I'm not mistaken, it's illegal to charge more than what's stated on the meter.(もし間違っていなければ、メーターボックスに表示されているよりも多く請求するのは違法だと思います。)
  • I want to know your name and identification number.(あなたの名前と識別番号を教えてほしい。)
  • I'm going to report this incident to the proper authorities.(適切な機関にこの事件を報告しますよ。)
  • I refuse to pay such an obviously exorbitant amount of money for a five minute cab ride.(タクシーで5分の距離に、そんな明らかに法外な金額は払いません。)
  • You've got to be kidding!(うそでしょ!)
  • Do you actually think that I'm unaware of how much this cab ride actually costs?(私がこのタクシーの値段を知らないとでも思っているのか?)
  • You're trying to exploit the fact that I'm a foreigner who's visiting this city for the first time.(私が初めてこの街を訪れた外国人だという事実を不当に利用しようとしている。)
  • You're helping to further tarnish the good name of this city.(あなたがこの街の評判を落とすことになるよ。)


  • 日常
  • 上級
  • 交通機関
  • 不平を言う