
Asking for help when feeling sick from drinking unboiled water
You don't look well at all. Are you okay?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
You don't look well at all. Are you okay?

I'm okay. I guess your country has a different water supply system from Japan, doesn't it?
In my area, there is a purification plant that processes our tap-water. It chlorinates the water, which is not so bad for the body, though with chlorination of very dirty water, trihalomethane is produced, though this seldom happens. This substance can cause cancer. We are not supposed to consume a large amount of trihalomethane. I use a water purifier to filter this substance for my drinking water for my health. Even so, the device contains an antibacterial agent that is a one of allergen.


I'm okay. I guess your country has a different water supply system from Japan, doesn't it?
In my area, there is a purification plant that processes our tap-water. It chlorinates the water, which is not so bad for the body, though with chlorination of very dirty water, trihalomethane is produced, though this seldom happens. This substance can cause cancer. We are not supposed to consume a large amount of trihalomethane. I use a water purifier to filter this substance for my drinking water for my health. Even so, the device contains an antibacterial agent that is one of allergen.

1. The definite article may be unnecessary in this context.
Oh, I see! It is a very good thing that you take care of yourself and pay attention to your health! I am sure this water made you feel sick and I would suggest you to buy bottled water in the future.

The device is a small box with a cartridge for filtering and is connected to the tap. It can produce H2O in water. After a time, I need to replace the cartridge. There is a long nozzle from the box, but I don't have a nozzle cleaning device. But I often see a scale on the nozzle. I feel so sad when I thought that I was drinking purified water, but I am not.


The device is a small box with a cartridge for filtering and is connected to the tap. It can produce H2O in water. After a time, I need to replace the cartridge. There is a long nozzle from the box, but I don't have a nozzle cleaning device. I often see a scale on the nozzle. I feel so sad when I think that I am drinking purified water, but I am not.

1. Avoid starting your sentences with ''but'', ''and'', ''so''...
2. This is a more natural way of saying it.
This might be interesting for me, too! Can you tell me where you bought this box with a cartridge? I think I will try it instead of buying bottles of water almost every day.

You can buy it online or in electronics stores.


No problem, you can buy it online or in electronics stores.

1. Your example is correct; this is just an alternative way of saying it.
  • contaminated(汚染された)
  • untreated(未処理の、未治療の)
  • diarrhea(下痢)
  • fever(熱)
  • symptom(症状)
  • polluted(汚染された)
  • unboiled(煮沸されていない)
  • dysentery(赤痢)
  • chill((名)悪寒、寒気 (動)〔人が〕寒気を覚える)
  • stomach(胃、お腹)
  • Do the doctors here make house calls?(ここの医師たちは往診してくれますか?)
  • I boiled all of my drinking water but I think it was the ice cubes that made me sick.(飲み水はすべて沸騰させていましたが、病気になったのは氷のせいだと思います。)
  • Can you take me to the nearest doctor, please?(一番近くの医者に連れて行ってもらえますか。)
  • I got sick after drinking some tap water.(水道水を飲んだ後に気分が悪くなった。)
  • Do you think I'll be better by tomorrow when I meet with the CEO?(明日、CEOと会うまでに良くなると思いますか?)
  • I can't seem to keep anything down and I'm running a high fever.(何も食べられず、高熱が出ています。)
  • I should have listened to your advice about boiling the water before drinking it.(お湯を沸かしてから飲めばいいというアドバイスに耳を傾けるべきでした。)
  • I've had dysentery before when I did some volunteer work overseas, but never this bad.(海外でボランティアをしたときに赤痢に罹ったことがあるけど、こんなにひどくなかった。)
  • Can you buy me some over-the-counter medication for my nausea?(吐き気がするので、市販の薬を買ってもらえませんか?)
  • I just want to curl up and sleep here for a couple of hours.(私はここで丸くなって2、3時間眠りたいだけです。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 助けを求める