
Chatting with a stranger at a concert hall
It's such a great concert!
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
It's such a great concert!

Yes, it really is! I really liked the violin part, the sound was very smooth and nice. I play the violin, too, so I would like to play like this violinist. How about you? Which part did you most like?


Yes, it really is! The violin part was superb, the sound was very smooth and nice. I play the violin, too, so I look up to this violinist. How about you? Which part did you most like?

1. 2. 3. your expression was fine, this is a different expression that you can also use in this context
I agree with you - his pitch was perfect! And the solo part was amazing. I liked the third movement the best - that's usually my favorite part when it comes to symphonies, because it's almost always energetic. Oh, you play the violin! For how long have you been playing it?

I have been playing it for about 7 years. I learned it from when I was 5 years old, so
I think I'm very good at it. Do you know NYSSMA? It's kind of a test of music, and there's 6 levels for the violin. Level 6 is the top, and I got a full score for level 4. It is unusual for a 7th grader to get a full score for level 4, and I was the concert master for many school concerts. Also, I played a solo in front of everyone.


I have been playing it for about 7 years. I have learned it since I was 5 years old, so
I think I'm very good at it. Do you know NYSSMA? It's a kind of test in music, and there are 6 levels for the violin. Level 6 is the top, and I got a full score for level 4. It is unusual for a 7th grader to get a full score for level 4, and I was the concertmaster for many school concerts. Also, I played a solo in front of everyone.

1. we use "present perfect + since + time in the past (expressed in past simple)" pattern to express when an action that has lasted up to now started
2. the correct pattern is 'a kind of + singular/uncountable noun'
3. we naturally say a test IN something
4. 'levels' is a plural noun, and this is the corresponding verb form
5. spell check
Oh, really? You must be an amazing violin player then. How long will it be untill you finish the sixth level?

I am practicing a song for the sixth level. Though, it is very hard for me and I'm trying hard to play it perfectly. Though, NYSSMA is only for people who live in New York, and I just came back to Tokyo, so it's impossible for me to take the test. Though, I think I would get to the level in one year.


I am practicing a song for the sixth level though it is very hard for me and I'm trying hard to play it perfectly. Though, NYSSMA is only for people who live in New York, and I just came back to Tokyo, so it's impossible for me to take the test. However, I think I will get to the level in one year.

1. 2. this is how we use 'though' grammatically, as a conjunction between clauses, or we use it in end position; I suggest that you avoid fillers of any kind, so try 'however', 'but', 'in fact'... instead of starting every sentence with 'though' (this can only be done informally, by the way)
3. use the future simple to make a prediction about the future, 'would' expresses a hypothetical situation
That sounds great! You are a very ambitious person. Congratulations! Tell me have you ever considered taking up a musical profession professionally?

No, I've never thought about becoming a pro musician. I learned the violin because I had to, but I liked it so I continued playing it. My future dream is to become an officer of ICPO or become a translator. Sherlock Holmes plays the violin to relax his stress. I would like to use the violin like him.


No, I've never thought about becoming a pro musician. I learned the violin because I had to, but I came to like it so I continued playing it. My future dream is to become an officer of ICPO or become a translator. Sherlock Holmes plays the violin to release his stress. I would like to use the violin for the same purpose.

1. 3. your expression was fine, this is a different expression that you can also use in this context
2. we naturally say we release, relieve or reduce stress
That is quite inspiring. How often do you play the violin? You might consider going professional as time goes.

I play the violin for about 30 to 45 minutes a day, and I go to my violin teacher 1 day in 2 weeks. I don't think I will, but I might consider going professional in the future. However, most professionals need to go to a school which is professional at teaching music. I don't want to go to that school, so I think that I won't become a professional.


I play the violin for about 30 to 45 minutes a day, and I take a lesson with my violin teacher once in 2 weeks. I don't think I will, but I might consider going professional in the future. However, most professionals need to go to a music academy. I have no interest in going to that school, so I think that I won't become a professional.

1. 2. 3. your expression was fine, this is a different expression that you can also use in this context
  • encore(アンコール、再放送)
  • chemistry(化学的性質、(人と人との間の)相性)
  • maestro(マエストロ、偉大な音楽家)
  • orchestra(オーケストラ、管弦楽団)
  • opera(オペラ)
  • act(出し物、演目)
  • ovation(拍手喝采、大喝采、オベーション)
  • applause(拍手(喝采)、称賛)
  • thunderous(とどろきわたる、途方もない)
  • brilliant(素晴らしい)
  • The chemistry between the leading characters is amazing to watch.(主要人物達の一体感は、本当に素晴らしいものでした。)
  • It was an incredible first act.(それは素晴らしい初演でした。)
  • I've seen this opera countless times, but this performance tops them all.(このオペラを数えきれないほど観ていますが、今回のパフォーマンスが一番です。)
  • The maestro is a musical genius.(マエストロは音楽の天才だ。)
  • I heard that this stage play has been translated in seven languages.(この舞台は、7か国語に翻訳されていると聞きました。)
  • I was here last night, too, and the applause at the end was thunderous.(私は昨夜もここにいましたが、最後には万雷の拍手が起きました。)
  • This concert is well worth the ticket price.(このコンサートはチケット代金の価値がある。)
  • Can you save my seat while I make a phone call in the lobby?(ロビーで電話をしている間、席を取っておいてくれますか。)
  • I heard that the understudy is even better than the regular guy.(代役の方が普段の方よりも上手だと聞きました。)
  • I don't understand a word of what they're saying, but I'm enjoying every minute of it.(私は彼らの言っていることがさっぱりわからないが、とても楽しんでいます。)


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