
Chatting with a stranger in an elevator
Where are you from?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Where are you from?

I'm from Japan !
How about you?
This is my first time in this country.


I'm from Japan !
How about you?
This is my first time in this country.

1. Alternative expression you can use: This is my first time visiting this country.
Nice to meet you. I'm from San Francisco. I came here for vacation? Are you enjoying your stay in New York so far?

I came here for sightseeing.
I have just arrived here yesterday .
So, I haven't gone anywhere yet.


I came here for sightseeing.
I   just arrived here yesterday, so I haven't gone anywhere yet.

1. You should use past simple tense for an action that was completed in the past.
2. It is better to combine these two sentences into one, so that you don't start your sentence with conjunction 'so'.
I see. Are you here for business or pleasure? You should visit Central Park or one of the many museums if you have some free time.

I'm a traveler.
I came here for sightseeing.
I want to visit the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Times Square.
And I also want to have a good meal.


I'm a traveler.
I came here for sightseeing.
I want to visit the Statue of Liberty, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and Times Square, and I also want to have a good meal.

1. It is better to combine these two sentences into one, so that you don't start your sentence with conjunction 'and'.
Those are famous tourist attractions. There are many good Italian restaurants in New York. Do you like Italian?

Of course!
I like Italian food. I also like French .
What is New York's specialty food?


Of course!
I like Italian food. I also like French .
What is New York's specialty food?

1. Alternative expression you can use: What food is New York known for?
New York is famous for pizza and New York style cheesecake. If you like pizza you should try pepperoni pizza. It's delicious.

That sounds delicious.
Thanks for telling me.
Have a nice trip!


That sounds delicious.
Thanks for telling me.
Have a nice trip!

1. Alternative expression you can use: Thank you for your recommendations.
  • reunion(懇親会、同窓会)
  • unlike((形)似ていない、異なっている (前)~とは違って)
  • convention(〔正式な〕会議、代表者会議)
  • expo(博覧会 (expositionの短縮形) )
  • dissimilar(似ていない)
  • sightseeing(観光)
  • conference(会議)
  • assignment(〔人に与えられた〕任務、業務)
  • annual((名)年次 (形)年に1度の、例年の、毎年の)
  • awesome(素晴らしい、すごい、最高の)
  • Have you tried the dinner buffet yet?(ディナービュッフェには行ってみた?(バイキング式ディナー))
  • This hotel is out of this world.(このホテルはこの世のものとは思えません。)
  • What's the easiest way to get to the ballpark from this hotel?(このホテルから野球場に行く一番簡単な方法は?)
  • I wonder why this elevator stops at every floor.(何故このエレベーターは各階に止まるのだろう。)
  • I'm staying here for my company's annual convention that's always held in this hotel.(私はいつもこのホテルで開催される会社の1年に1度の会議に参加するためにここに滞在している。)
  • Would you like to join me at the bar for a couple of drinks?(バーに行って2、3杯一緒に飲みませんか。)
  • Do you remember the days when we used to have elevator operators?(エレベーター操作係がいた時代を覚えている?)
  • What brings you to this country?(どうしてこの国に来たの?)
  • I appreciate this speedy elevator, but I always get queasy when I get off.(速いエレベーターはありがたいが、私はいつも降りたときに吐き気がする。)
  • I'm going to check out the hotel's restaurant to see if I like it.(自分が気に入るかどうかホテルのレストランをチェックするつもりだ。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホテル
  • 雑談する