
Applying for a bank loan
Good morning. What can I do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Good morning. What can I do for you?

I would like to borrow 1000 dollars.


I would like to take out a one thousand dollar loan.

1. your expression was fine, this is a different expression that you can also use in this context
Sure. You will need to provide us with your ID and your previous 3 months bank statements before we approve the loan.

OK, here is my OD card and here is my previous 3 months bank statements.


OK, here is my ID card and here are my bank statements for the last three months.

1, spell check
2. "statements" is a plural noun, and this is the corresponding verb form
3. this is the correct order of adjectives in a noun phrase: quantity/number, opinion, size, age, shape, color, material/nationality/origin, purpose, NOUN, so the noun phrase you have used is not correct
Thank you. We are able to loan you up to $3500. Are you sure that you would only like $1000? The interest rate is 3.3%.

Really? it good for me, because I am now preparing a launching new company in concern with Japanese food. The more money I can use, the more convenient for the project.


Really? It is good for me, because I am now preparing to start up a new company in concern with Japanese food. The more money I can use, the more convenient for the project.

1. capitalize the first word in a sentence
2. you were missing your verb here
3. we prepare TO DO something, or we prepare something; we naturally say we create, establish, form, found, set up, start (up) a company
4. use articles with singular countable nouns
So would you like to borrow $3500 then? I will get the forms for you to fill out and then we can give you the money.

OK, please show me the forms.


OK, let's go ahead with the procedure.

1. your expression was fine, this is a different expression that you can also use in this context
OK, please wait a minute while I fetch them. Here you are, you can use the pen on the table over there.

OK, let me fill in this form.


Thank you, may I have a second to fill out the forms?

1. your expression was fine, this is a different expression that you can also use in this context
  • collateral((名)担保〔物件〕 (形)担保の、抵当の)
  • applicant(志願者、申込者、希望者)
  • entrepreneur(起業家)
  • secured(担保付きの)
  • microlending(小額融資)
  • lender(金貸し、貸手)
  • creditor(債権者)
  • mortgage(貸付金、(抵当権付き)住宅ローン)
  • revenue(〔企業などの〕収益、収入)
  • provision(条件、規定)
  • My credit score is somewhat low because I made some bad financial decisions when I first started out.(私のクレジットスコアがやや低いのは、起業したばかりの頃に金銭的な判断を誤ったためです。)
  • Getting a loan has gotten a lot easier due to the internet.(ローンを組むことはインターネットのおかげでずいぶん簡単になった。)
  • I think I'll postpone applying for this loan until I get a chance to improve my credit rating.(私の信用格付けを高める機会を得るまで、このローンの申し込みは延期しようと思う。)
  • I don't understand why I'm not eligible for this particular loan.(なぜ私がこのローンの申し込みできないのか分からない。)
  • Always read your loan agreement very carefully before signing it.(署名する前に、必ずローン契約書をよく読んでください。)
  • Can you explain the various borrowing options that I have?(様々な借り入れオプションを説明してくれますか。)
  • Can you waive this fee since I've been a loyal customer of this bank for over twenty years?(20年以上もこの銀行の上顧客なのだから、この手数料を免除してくれますか。)
  • Establishing a good credit history is the first step to getting a decent loan from any bank.(良い信用履歴を作っておくことは、かなり良い条件でローンが組める第一歩だ。)
  • My business partner is willing to co-sign this loan if necessary.(私のビジネスパートナーは必要あればこのローンの連帯保証人にすすんでなってくれる。)
  • Did you have a chance to review my online application?(私のネットからの申し込みを精査する機会はありましたか。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • 現地生活
  • 手続きする