
Asking for a one week vacation
海外では休暇の概念や期間も日本とは根本的に違うので、その国の重要な休日を前もって調べておきましょう。日本では年末から正月までがお休みですがアメリカではThanks givingやクリスマスの休みはありますが、基本的には新年はNew Year's day(元日)だけがお休みで1月2日から通常営業になります。
Hi, what can I do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hi, what can I do for you?

I'd like to ask you something. Do you have a minute?


I'd like to ask you something. Do you have a minute?

1. Here is an alternative expression 'moment'
Sure thing. I can spare a moment for you. What can I assist you with? How important is what you want to ask?

I plan to visit my friend in The US. Can I take a leave for two weeks next month?


I plan to visit my friend in the US. Can I take a two-week leave next month?

1. This is better word phrasing.
We are at a bad position in the company at the moment. Who will be handling your duties and responsibilities?

Oh, I understand. My subordinates could do my job, but in that situation I had better continue to work by myself. I don't mind canceling the travel.


Oh, I understand. My subordinates could do my job, but if we are really in a tight spot, I better cancel my trip, I don't mind.

1. This is better word phrasing
I would like you to travel and get some rest. What I am looking for is continuity while you are away. Will you be communicating and delegating while you're away?

Okay, I understand what you say. I'll travel with my laptop and communicate with my subordinates, so our department tasks will be continuing to proceed.


Okay, I understand what you are saying. I'll travel with my laptop and communicate with my subordinates  .

1. The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future.
2. These words are redundant here.
That will be great. I look forward to having you back. Please make sure you have all the time to rest and leave someone in charge.

Thank you for your consideration. I'll enjoy my travel, but let my subordinates do business better than now. I have brilliant subordinates, so I don't have any worries about our job without me.


Thank you for your consideration. I'll enjoy my trip, I'm sure my subordinates will do a great job with me. I have brilliant subordinates 

1. This is a better word choice to mean a journey or excursion, especially for pleasure.
2. Better phrasing
3. These words are redundant here.
  • paid vacation(有給休暇)
  • for the entire week(来週丸々)
  • stay healthy(健康でいてください)
  • excuse my question(私の質問を詫びる)
  • I am planning to~(~する予定になっています)
  • Sounds nice!(素敵ですね!)
  • Have you ever been to~(~へ行った事はありますか?)
  • I need to keep my mind focused.(気持ちを集中させる必要がある。)
  • Sorry to bother you.(お邪魔してごめんなさい。)
  • Will you be able to complete your assigned task by the 28th of October?(10/28までに割り当てられた仕事を完了できますか?)
  • I want to go abroad after my project.(プロジェクト終了後は海外に行きたい。)
  • I'd love to take a vacation to the Philippines someday.(ぜひともフィリッピンに休暇で行ってみたいものです。)
  • What's your favorite thing about staying there?(滞在中に良かったと思うことは何ですか? )


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 交渉
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 報告・連絡・相談
  • 申請/社内ルール
  • 社内業務