
Asking for a one week vacation
海外では休暇の概念や期間も日本とは根本的に違うので、その国の重要な休日を前もって調べておきましょう。日本では年末から正月までがお休みですがアメリカではThanks givingやクリスマスの休みはありますが、基本的には新年はNew Year's day(元日)だけがお休みで1月2日から通常営業になります。
Hi, what can I do for you?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hi, what can I do for you?

I would like to take a summer vacation next month and go abroad with my family for two weeks. I know we are busy now, but this big project will be finished by the end of this month.


I would like to take a summer vacation next month and go abroad with my family for two weeks. I know we are busy now, but this big project will be finished by the end of this month.

1. These sentences are correct. If you want to sound more confident, use the verb "want."
I understand your request, and it sounds like a wonderful plan. Can we discuss how we can manage your workload and ensure everything runs smoothly while you're away?

I will refer to the last year's data and prepare the new one this month. Also I take my laptop on trips to check e-mail. Our project member will help my job.


I will refer to the last year's data and prepare the new one this month. Also, I take my laptop on trips to check e-mails. Our project member will help with my job.

1. A comma is needed after the introductory word.
2. You talk in general, not about one specific mail. Here, the plural is needed.
3. The preposition was missing here, so we added "with."
That sounds like a good plan to stay on top of things. Have you found any challenges managing work while traveling with your laptop?

If I have some questions, it is difficult to talk to my co-workers as in the workplace. Also, since we are going to a different time zone, it takes extra time to communicate.


If I have some questions, it is difficult to talk to my co-workers as in the workplace. Also, since we are going to a different time zone, it takes extra time to communicate.

1. These sentences are correct, but this word is often overused. You can use "tough" or "challenging" also.
It sounds like communication might be a challenge with the time zone difference. How do you usually handle these situations to stay connected with your team?

Time zone difference sometimes has good point.
Even if it is after team members' working hours, I can still do the work they don't finish because it is daytime.


Time zone difference sometimes has a good point.
Even if it is after team members' working hours, I can still do the work they don't finish because it is daytime.

1. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. Here, "a" is needed.
A is used before a noun that starts with a consonant sound (e.g., “s,” “t,” “v”).
An is used before a noun that starts with a vowel sound (e.g., “a,” “o,” “i”).
  • paid vacation(有給休暇)
  • for the entire week(来週丸々)
  • stay healthy(健康でいてください)
  • excuse my question(私の質問を詫びる)
  • I am planning to~(~する予定になっています)
  • Sounds nice!(素敵ですね!)
  • Have you ever been to~(~へ行った事はありますか?)
  • I need to keep my mind focused.(気持ちを集中させる必要がある。)
  • Sorry to bother you.(お邪魔してごめんなさい。)
  • Will you be able to complete your assigned task by the 28th of October?(10/28までに割り当てられた仕事を完了できますか?)
  • I want to go abroad after my project.(プロジェクト終了後は海外に行きたい。)
  • I'd love to take a vacation to the Philippines someday.(ぜひともフィリッピンに休暇で行ってみたいものです。)
  • What's your favorite thing about staying there?(滞在中に良かったと思うことは何ですか? )


  • ビジネス
  • 初級
  • 交渉
  • 内定者研修
  • 新入社員研修
  • 報告・連絡・相談
  • 申請/社内ルール
  • 社内業務