
Talking about currency exchange rates
How are your investments in the world currencies doing?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How are your investments in the world currencies doing?

I appreciate the Japanese yen toward 130 per dollar in early January. It reached strongest levels in seven months of growing the assumption the Bank of Japan might soon shift away from ultra-easy policy.


I appreciate the Japanese yen toward 130 per dollar in early January. It reached its strongest levels in seven months of growing the assumption the Bank of Japan might soon shift away from ultra-easy policy.

1. This way the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable.
I understand. Thank you for sharing that information. When I lived in Japan several years ago, the exchange rate was one US dollar equals 100 yen.

That's right. Recently, the weak Japanese yen pushes living costs higher than before. Flour, fried oil, butter, milk, etc. are about 1.5 times higher than before. The problem is that the cost of living has increased in price, but salaries have not risen that much.


That's right. Recently, the weak Japanese yen has pushed living costs higher than before. Flour, frying oil, butter, milk, etc., are about 1.5 times more expensive than before. The problem is that the cost of living has increased in price, but salaries have not risen that much.

1. This is most likely what you wanted to say here.
2, 4. This way the sentence sounds much more natural and understandable.
3. It appears that a comma was missing here.
What are some of the thing that the Bank of Japan has been doing in order to ensure that the Yen will bounce back and regain value?

The yen remains fundamentally very cheap. Amid high prices and inflation in Japan, the Bank of Japan further modified its monetary easing measures. This led to a sell-off of the dollar and a buy-off of the yen.


The yen remains fundamentally very cheap. Amid high prices and inflation in Japan, the Bank of Japan further modified its monetary easing measures. This led to a sell-off of the dollar and a buy-off of the yen.

1. Here is an alternative expression you can use. ''adjusted''
  • downside((名)〔価格などの〕下落傾向 (形)〔価格などが〕下落傾向にある)
  • quote(引用、引用文、見積もり、見積価格)
  • gamble((名)賭け事 (動)賭けをする)
  • upside(〔値段などの〕上昇傾向)
  • latest((名)最新のもの (形)最新の)
  • currency(通貨、貨幣)
  • spreads(広がること、まん延、調達運用金利差)
  • margin((名)利益、マージン (動)〔委託証拠金を預けて株式を〕購入する)
  • prediction(予測、予想)
  • update((名)更新[最新]情報 (動)更新する)
  • The current exchange rate is great while I'm here in Japan, but not when I travel to America.(現在の為替レートは、日本にいる間はいいのですが、アメリカに行くとそうはいきません。)
  • When trading world currencies, I wouldn't put my eggs all in one basket.(世界の通貨を取引する際には、一つのバスケットにすべての卵を入れることはありません。)
  • Unlike stock trading, currency trading does not take place on a regulated exchange.(株式取引と違って為替取引は安定した相場で行われるものではない。)
  • Currency exchange rates are updated online every minute on several websites.(為替レートはウェブサイト上でずっと更新されている。)
  • Internet trading has made currency trading very popular among retail traders.(インターネット取引により、個人トレーダーの間でも為替取引が盛んに行われるようになりました。)
  • The currency exchange rate has a profound effect on the profitability of Japanese companies who do business abroad.(為替レートは海外で事業を展開する日本企業の採算性に計り知れない影響を及ぼす。)
  • You can get a better exchange rate at Bank A because it doesn't charge a fee for its clients.(A銀行は顧客に手数料を取らないので、より良い為替レートを得ることができます。)
  • Buying and selling currencies can be very profitable, but it is very unpredictable and risky.(通貨の売買は、非常に利益の大きいものですが、非常に予測不可能でリスクの高いものです。)
  • If the yen continues to slide, I'll have to rethink my investment strategy.(円の下落が続いたら、もう一度投資政策を考え直さなければならないだろう。)
  • This may not be a good time for you to pull up stakes and move back to Australia.(オーストラリアに引き上げて帰るのに良い時期ではないかもしれません。)


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