
Talking about lending rates
I'm thinking of expanding my company but should I wait for the lending rate to go down?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
I'm thinking of expanding my company but should I wait for the lending rate to go down?

The current interest rate is close to the lowest ever in its history, so I don't think you have to wait. Thinking of the future prospect, it would be difficult for the rate to go down further because it's already almost zero percent, which means that there seems to be quite limited room to fall down from the current position. I'd say that if the economy all over the world deteriorates at a surprising speed, the rate might go down further, but under the circumstances, you can't expand your business anymore.


The current interest rate is close to the lowest ever in its history, so I don't think you have to wait. Thinking of the    prospect, it would be difficult for the rate to go down further because it's already almost zero percent, which means that there seems to be quite limited room to fall down from the current position. I'd say that if the economy all over the world deteriorates at a surprising speed, the rate might go down further, but under the circumstances, you can't expand your business anymore. 

1. The word "prospect" is being used to mean the outlook for the future. Hence, prefixing "prospect" with the word "future" is redundant.
I understand, thank you for your professional advice. What do you advise us to do as a next step* How can we improve?

In general, as the economy gets better, the interest rate gradually goes up in order to restrain the inflation. Excessive inflation is so-called hyperinflation which has a heavily negative impact on the market because, under the situation, the price of goods keeps going up at the pace that is difficult for consumers to keep pace with. The economy was in good health until a few months ago, but it has started to deteriorate recently, so the interest rate is unlikely to go up.


In general, as the economy gets better, the interest rate gradually goes up in order to restrain    inflation. Excessive inflation is so-called hyperinflation which has a heavily negative impact on the market because, under the situation, the price of goods keeps going up at a pace that is difficult for consumers to keep pace with. The economy was in good health until a few months ago, but it has started to deteriorate recently, so the interest rate is unlikely to go up. 

1. The word "inflation" is an abstract noun. It doesn't need a definite article.
2. The correct expression is "at a pace."
Thank you very much once more for the valuable information. Is there anything that I can do to make the lender lower the rates more?

There are two types of interest rate; floating rate and fixed rate. I recommend that you borrow money at a fixed rate. In the short term, the interest rate is likely to remain at a low level, but it will go up higher and higher in the long run. Of course, this shall not apply if you borrow money for a short period.


There are two types of interest rate: floating rate and fixed rate. I recommend that you borrow money at a fixed rate. In the short term, the interest rate is likely to remain at a low level, but it will go up higher and higher in the long run. Of course, this shall not apply if you borrow money for a short period. 

1. Use the colon to introduce a list of things.
  • fixed(固定の、一定の)
  • default(債務不履行、支払いを怠ること)
  • interbank(銀行間の)
  • risk(危険、リスク)
  • correction(訂正、添削(株価の急騰や急落後の一時的な)反発)
  • variable(不定の、変化しやすい)
  • adjustment(調節、適応)
  • prime((名)最盛期 (形)最高の)
  • index(指数、兆候、索引)
  • calculation(計算、予測)
  • I'm glad that we downsized just before the bubble burst.(バブルがはじけるちょうど前に投資を縮小しておいて良かった。)
  • All signs point to the lending rate finally coming down.(ようやく貸出金利が下がってきたということです。)
  • You should not borrow any more money until the prime rate goes down a little more.(プライムレートがもうちょっと下がるまで、もうお金を借りない方が良いよ。)
  • Your good credit should help you to get a good interest rate.(あなたの信用度が高ければ、良い金利を得ることができるはずです。)
  • Do you ever wonder how they calculate the changes in the lending rate?(貸出金利の変動をどのように計算しているのか気になりませんか?)
  • It seems to be getting tougher to get a small business loan these days.(小口融資を得るのが最近では難しくなってきているようだ。)
  • When economic times are tough, some businesses are forced to borrow money from unscrupulous companies.(不景気な時は、悪徳業者からお金を借りることを強いられる企業もある。)
  • It's important to have all of your documents on hand when you apply for a business loan.(ビジネスローンを申し込む際には、すべての書類を揃えておくことが大切です。)
  • It helps to have a sound business strategy when applying for a business loan.(ビジネスローンを申請する際には、しっかりとしたビジネス戦略を立てることが大切です。)
  • Is it worth the time and effort to find a lender with the lowest rate?(最も低い金利の金融機関を探すために、時間と労力を費やす価値があるのか?)


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