
Improving the website's page layouts
Our layouts are outdated and uninteresting. Let's redo them.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Do you think we should make some changes to the layout?

Ah, yes. Would you make more blank spaces on the head and the bottom of each page. I also want to make the font color more vivid red here according to my original plan.


Ah, yes. Woul you make more blank spaces on the head and the bottom of each page? I also want to make the font color more vivid red here according to my original plan. (this is correct)

Ah okay... Do you want to add more so that I can finalize it after our break?

Yes. Sorry for bothering you often. I like your design, but I just want to make the web site better. I think that the site should be simple, and more centralized so that people are able to check it on their smart phone as normal.


Yes. I'm sorry for bothering you often. I like your design but I just want to make the website better. I think that the site should be simple and more centralized, so that people are able to check it on their smart phone as normal. (this is correct)

That's a good idea. Would you mind sending me some sample images? Then I can change the layout to something you prefer.

Yeah, I will sent it later. Thank you for taking time today.


Yeah, I will send it later. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today.

  • composition(組み立て、組織、作文)
  • symbol(象徴、シンボル)
  • extraneous(外部からの、異質の、無関係な)
  • showcase((名)陳列用ガラス箱、ショーケース(動)~を見せる、展示する)
  • grid(グリッド、格子)
  • icon(図像、アイコン)
  • focal(焦点の、重要な)
  • aesthetics(美学)
  • stylized(定型化された、型にはまった)
  • implementation(〔ソフトウェアなどの〕実装、導入)
  • It's important to not let your creativity get in the way of the usability of the website.(あなたの創造性でウェブサイトの使い勝手が悪くならないようにすることが重要だ。)
  • The page design is actually the last step in a long process that begins with a lot of questions.(ページデザインは実際、多くの疑問で始まる長いプロセスの最後の段階だ。)
  • Without question, our page layouts should include colorful motion graphics.(言うまでもなく、ページレイアウトには鮮やかな動画がいる。)
  • We want the consumer to be in complete control of the page.(私たちは、お客様がページを完全にコントロールできるようにしたいと考えています。)
  • The art director wants the layouts to express the essence of who we are and what we do.(アートディレクターは、私たちが何者で何をしているのか、その本質を表現するレイアウトにしたいと考えています。)
  • Our challenge is to not make our pages look too boxy.(チャレンジはページを狭苦しく見えないようにすることです。)
  • The consumer should be able to navigate throughout the page without really thinking about it.(お客さまが何も考えずにページをめくることができること。)
  • These new designs are much too loud and flashy and blatantly contradict the image that we are trying to convey.(これらの新しいデザインは、あまりにも派手で、私たちが伝えようとしているイメージとは明らかに矛盾しています。)
  • The most difficult thing to do in creating a page layout is to keep it simple.(ページレイアウトを考えるときに最も難しいことは簡潔にしておくことだ。)
  • How can we make the page visually interesting, yet simple?(どうすれば視覚的に面白く、かつシンプルなページになるのか。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 説明/釈明
  • WEBの話