
Deciding on a catch phrase
Let's create a catch phrase to include in our new website.
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Let's create a catch phrase to include in our new website.

Ok...it's hard for me to say, but I wanna hear your opinion first. I haven't experienced this kind of job before, so let me confirm the direction.


Ok...it's hard for me to say, but I want to hear your opinion first. I haven't experienced this kind of job before, so let me confirm the direction.

1. WANNA is a casual sound but not used in normal writing.
The phrases I can think of have all been used. It's hard for us to rely on them. What do you have in mind?

Wow, you are so creative. I wanna hear your best one that has already been used.


Wow, you are so creative. Can I hear your best one that has already been used?

1, 2. See 1. in #2 above but you can avoid repeating the same phrase here.
The best phrase I used was "With us, you are one step closer" it was a phrase that worked well for the company. Can you think of any phrases?

The phrase really grabed my heart. What I came up with is like "make a difference together". This phrase came out considering today's business situation. You know, these days things can easily turn into commodities due to advanced technology. So I believe it's necessary to differenciate. What do you think about??


The phrase really grabed my heart. What I came up with is something like "make a difference together". This phrase came out considering today's business situation. You know, these days things can easily turn into commodities due to advanced technology, so I believe it's necessary to differentiate. What do you think    ?

1. You need to explain WHAT this refers to.
2. SO is a conjunction and can be used to join two sentences together here.
3. Spelling mistake.
4. ABOUT would require a pronoun (e.g. IT) but is not needed here.
5. Only one question mark is required.
It's a very good phrase. I think it makes a lot of sense considering today's market. Do you have another phrase in mind?

I don't have confidence about my second phrase. How about "we can show the world that no one knows."? I would like our clients to be excited when they look at our phrase, so I came up with this.


I don't have confidence about my second phrase. How about "we can show the world that no one knows"? I would like our clients to be excited when they look at our phrase, so I came up with this.

1. No full stop needed as you use a question mark after the quotation mark.
I think the last phrase is the best. I believe that the clients want to feel involved, so this would be the best option. Is there anything else you have in mind?

That's everything. If you don't mind, we would go with my last phrase. Is there anything else we have to talk about?


That's everything. If you don't mind, we will go with my last phrase. Is there anything else we have to talk about?

1. WOULD is the past tense of WILL.
  • slogan(スローガン、標語)
  • motto(標語、モットー、座右の銘)
  • tagline(キャッチフレーズ)
  • buzzword(業界用語、専門的流行語)
  • associate(~と(~を)結び付ける、結合させる、(~を)連想する)
  • branding(ブランディング、ブランド戦略)
  • identity(独自性、固有性)
  • trademark((名)〔登録〕商標 (動)~を商標登録する)
  • emotional(〔言葉などが〕感情に訴える)
  • infringement(侵害、違反)
  • Our tagline will only work if the consumers see it on every page of our website.(私たちのキャッチフレーズは、消費者がウェブサイトのすべてのページで目にして初めて機能するものです。)
  • I just found out that our new buzzword has a negative connotation in Spanish.(うちの新しい流行語は、スペインで否定的な意味を含むということをちょうど今知った。)
  • The new slogan will be in bold red at the top of every page on our new website.(新しい標語は新しいウェブサイトの全ページの上側で太い赤字で入れましょう。)
  • This catch phrase sounds a bit silly, but I can't get it out of my head.(このキャッチフレーズは、ちょっと馬鹿げているようですが、私は頭から離れません。)
  • We need to reinvent our corporate image with a well worded and catchy slogan.(上手く言葉で表現できた人の心を捉える表現で社風を作り替えたい。)
  • We need to differentiate our company from all the others that offer similar services.(同じようなサービスを提供している他の企業とうちとの差別化が必要だ。)
  • I want our brand to be a household name by the end of this year.(今年の年末までには、うちのブランドが有名になってほしいですね。)
  • We need a clever catch phrase that will appeal to every age group.(どの年齢のグループでも引きつける巧みなキャッチフレーズが必要だ。)
  • I love this catch phrase because it touches my heart and gets me emotionally involved with the product.(このキャッチフレーズは、心に響くし、商品に感情移入できるので大好きです。)
  • We need a better logo that matches our industry jargon.(業界の専門用語にマッチした、より良いロゴが必要です。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 説明/釈明
  • WEBの話