
Creating a website
What do you think of this new design taste?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
What do you think of this new design taste?

I think it looks cool and smart. But it has some problem about usability. I can't find a way to an entry for some services. For example, I don't realize how I get to our customer center.


I think it looks cool and smart. But it has some problems with usability. I can't find a way to search for some services. For example, I don't know how I get to our customer center.

1. This should be plural as you indicate "some" meaning more than one
2. Use the preposition "with" which indicates in relation to something (usability)
3-4. These are more natural words that you would use in the context of this topic (You could also say: I can't search for the way to find some services)
Oh, okay, I see what you mean. How do you think we could change that? What are some other things we should change?

We should consider our customer's opinion to be important. We should have a group interview of key customers. Online survey to first met customers looks useful. Did you get different opinions about this site?


We should consider our customer's opinion to be important. We should have a group interview with key customers. An online survey for first time customers looks useful. Did you get different opinions about this site?

1. Use the preposition "with" here as well, because it means in relation to (customers)
2. Add an indefinite article if you mean one online survey. If you mean more than one then remove the article and use the plural for surveys
3. Use the preposition "for" in honor of/for the purpose of
4. Correct word
Your suggestions are amazing and very considerate. We should do all of those things. Do you think we should also do a focus group study?

I have not tried a focus group study. It sounds good. Please tell me how we do it. How much will it cost? Whom do we gather for this?


I have not tried a focus on group study. It sounds good. Please tell me how we do it. How much will it cost? Whom do we gather for this?

1. Add the preposition "on" which is used to indicate in connection with something (group study)
You gather a group of random people and ask them to test the website and tell you their opinion. We should consult the HR department about the rest of our concerns.

I see. I want to start it soon. Let's talk about schedules. If we do all of these 3 improvement plans, how long does it take to complete them?


I see. I want to start it soon. Let's talk about schedules. If we do all of these 3 improvement plans, how long will it take to complete them?

1. The correct verb would be "will"
I think we could be done with all of the tasks in a couple of weeks, so we should start as soon as we can.

Okay, let's get started.


Okay, let's get started.

*You can also indicate a time frame: "Okay, let's get started as soon as we can."
Very well written. You write well! Good job!
  • homepage(ホームページ)
  • optimization(最適化)
  • accessibility(アクセスのしやすさ)
  • template(テンプレート)
  • interface((名)インターフェイス (動)インターフェースで接続[連結]する)
  • interactive(相互に作用する、対話式の、双方向(性)の)
  • programming(プログラミング)
  • engine(エンジン)
  • browser(ブラウザー)
  • ease(容易さ、たやすさ)
  • The labeling on our new website is still very unclear.(新しいウェブサイト上のラベル付けは、まだあまりクリアでない。)
  • Do you think that it's necessary for us to have consistent page layouts throughout our website?(Webサイト全体のページレイアウトを統一する必要があると思いますか?)
  • We received many complaints about our website not being user-friendly.(ユーザーにとって使いやすいサイトでなければ意味がありません。)
  • Should we create a separate website meant only for our business partners?(ビジネスパートナー専用のウェブサイトを作るべきか?)
  • The website crashed yesterday when we gave it a test run.(昨日、試運転をしたところ、ウェブサイトがクラッシュしてしまいました。)
  • Since our target market includes teenagers, we should add more motion graphics to our website.(当社のターゲット市場は10代が含まれているので、ウェブサイトにより多くのモーショングラフィックスを追加すべきだと思います。)
  • Nothing else matters if the website is not user-friendly.(Webサイトがユーザーフレンドリーでなければ、何も始まらない。)
  • The CEO wants us to make our homepage more interactive.(社長からは、ホームページをもっとインタラクティブにしてほしいと言われています。)
  • The graphic designer said that our website is confusing because it contains too many typefaces.(グラフィックデザイナーからは、当社のウェブサイトは書体が多すぎて分かりにくいと言われました。)
  • The advanced interactive functions will require plug-ins and a programmer with the latest coding language skills.(高度なインタラクティブ機能を実現するためには、プラグインや、最新のコーディング言語のスキルを持ったプログラマーが必要になります。)


  • ビジネス
  • 中級
  • ミーティング
  • 説明/釈明
  • WEBの話