Asking for a day off from work tomorrow because your son has the flu
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Hi, what can I do for you?
Hi, Boss.
Actually, my son has the flu and I would like to take tomorrow off from work.
May I take a paid leave?
Hi, Boss.
Actually, my son has the flu and I would like to take tomorrow off from work.
May I take a paid leave?
1. Alternative: I'd like to inform you that~
Yes, you may. Please fill in the form and I will sign it. I hope he gets better soon. Will you take him to the hospital?
Do that so that he gets immediate help. These days there is a flu bug in the air. How severe is the flu?
You should be concerned. With the right care and treatment, he will get better soon. Will one day suffice?
Please let me see how things go in a day and then make a decision. I can go to work once my son's fever goes down.
Alright, that is duly noted. What are the important tasks assigned to you? Please, endorse those tasks to John.
- take (a day )off((一日)休みを取る)
- appreciate your help(お力添えに感謝する)
- Thank you for taking the time.(時間をとってくださってありがとうございます。)
- I'm sorry for interrupting.(お邪魔してすみません。)
- Could you do me a favor?(お願いがあるのですが聞いて頂けませんか?)
- May I ask you a favor?(お願いがあるのですが聞いて頂けませんか?)
- appropriate(適切な)
- When I spoke with her a while ago, she said she would be available tomorrow.(先ほど彼女と話したときには、「明日なら大丈夫」と言っていました。)
- If that's the case(もしそうならば、だとすれば)
- You should be aware of the possible consequences of your absence from work.(欠勤した場合に起こりうる結果を把握しておく必要があります。)
- You are still fully responsible for your work.(自分の仕事に全責任を負うことに変わりはありません。)
- I am glad that you made that decision.(そう決断してくれたことが嬉しです。 )
- I'm sorry for your concern about tomorrow's presentation.(明日のプレゼンテーションに関して、ご心配おかけしてすみませんでした。)
- I really prefer that you do the presentation.(私は、あなたがプレゼンテーションをしてくれることを望んでいます。)