
Playing tennis with foreigners
Wow, you are such a good tennis player! How long have you been playing tennis?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Wow, you are such a good tennis player! How long have you been playing tennis?

Thanks. I never play tennis before. Have you heard of Shingo Kunieda's retirement? He is a famous Japanese wheelchair tennis player.


Thanks. I've never played tennis before. Have you heard of Shingo Kunieda's retirement? He is a famous Japanese wheelchair tennis player.

1, 2. the present perfect connects the past with now
Oh, okay. I hadn't heard about the news. How long had he been playing the sport? Did he participate in competitions recently?

I would like to point out that Kunieda is considered the tremendous male wheelchair player of all time. He is the current world No. 1 in singles and has four Paralympic gold medals, and 28 major singles titles. I am confident you will find him the best wheelchair tennis player who won Wimbledon 2022.


I would like to point out that Kunieda is considered the best male wheelchair player of all time. He is the current world No. 1 in singles and has four Paralympic gold medals, and 28 major singles titles. He won Wimbledon in 2022.

1. you just need a superlative here
2. you can make this much shorter by explaining who this refers to
3. 'in' refers to a period of time
Wow, okay. That is impressive. With those statistics, he is definitely one of the greatest. Did he mention about his reason for retirement?

He said he kept thinking about retiring after his dream came true at the Tokyo Paralympics. He began to feel he didn't has much energy left to play on the tour when he won the long sought Wimbledon title 2022. Commenting on his feelings, I should say thank him a lot. He is a true tremendous number-one Paralympic tennis player at all times.


He said he kept thinking about retiring after his dream came true at the Tokyo Paralympics. He began to feel he didn't have much energy left to play on the tour when he won the long-sought Wimbledon title in 2022. Commenting on his feelings, I should say thank him a lot. He is the true tremendous number-one Paralympic tennis player at all times.

1. this refers to an uncountable noun
2. a hyphen makes a compound here
3. see 3. in #4 above
4. 'the' refers to a superlative before a noun
  • ace(名手、名人、(テニスで相手に)サービス・エースで得点する)
  • topspin(トップスピン(ボールを進行方向と同じ方向に強く回転させること))
  • grip((名)握り方 (動)しっかり握る)
  • singles(シングルス)
  • set(一組、一式、セット)
  • backhand((名)〔テニス・卓球などで〕バックハンド、逆手打ち (動)バックハンドで打つ)
  • forehand((名)〔テニスなどの〕フォアハンド (動)フォアハンドで打つ)
  • lob((名)ロブ、山なりの緩球 (動)ロブで返す)
  • doubles(ダブルス)
  • crosscourt(コートの対角線の方向へ)
  • I've been playing tennis since I was knee high to a grasshopper.(私がほんの子供だった時からテニスをしています。)
  • Are you using an oversized racquet?(あなたは大きすぎるラケットを使っているの?)
  • Most of my friends use synthetic strings, but I still prefer gut.(私の友人のほとんどは合成弦を使っていますが、私はやはりガットが好きです。)
  • I was fortunate enough to get tickets to the French Open last year.(昨年はフレンチ・オープンのチケットが取れてすごくついていたよ。)
  • We don't have enough public courts in Tokyo.(東京には公共のテニスコートが足りない。)
  • I think I could have turned pro after college, but I'm happy just being a recreational player for now.(大学卒業後プロになれたと思うんだけど、今は単なる楽しみのためのプレーヤーで満足だよ。)
  • It's really hard to find a decent grass court these days.(最近はちゃんとした芝のコートを探すのが大変です。)
  • I blew two game points in a match yesterday.(昨日、試合で2ゲーム落としました。)
  • Although I enjoy playing doubles, singles is really my game.(ダブルスも楽しいですが、やはりシングルスが一番です。)
  • I can't believe that I double faulted three times in my last match.(自分が最後の試合で3回もダブルフォルトをしてしまうなんて信じられない。)


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