
Playing basketball
How long have you been playing basketball?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
How long have you been playing basketball?

I only played basketball when I was a junior high school student. I'm not good at playing basketball but my uncle loves playing basketball. He runs a basketball goods store.


I only played basketball when I was a junior high school student. I'm not good at playing basketball but my uncle loves playing basketball. He owns a store that sells basketball goods.

1. This is an alternative way of rephrasing the sentence
I see. Would you like to get started on playing basketball properly? Is the sport popular in your country?

No, I don't want start playing basketball. However, basketball is poplar in Japan. When I was a junior high school student, many students belonged to a basketball club. They were extroverted students. I was an introverted student so I participated in Japanese archery club.


No, I don't want to start playing basketball. However, basketball is popular in Japan. When I was a junior high school student, many students belonged to a basketball club. They were extroverted students. I was an introverted student so I participated in the Japanese archery club.

1. Add the infinitive marker "to" which is used with the base form of a verb to indicate that the verb is in the infinitive.
2. Use the adjective popular which means liked or admired by many people or by a particular person or group.
3. Add "the" when talking about something specific
No wonder why. Do you still do archery? What other individual sports activities do you engage in? Are you still an introvert?

No. I don't play archery now. Since I love Japanese culture, I started to play the koto instead of Japanese archery. I don't mind if it is not sports. I prefer to stay home and read a book rather than exercise outside.


No. I don't play archery now. Since I love Japanese culture, I started to play the koto instead of Japanese archery. I don't mind if it is not sports. I don't like exercising so I would rather stay home and read a book.

1. This is an alternative way of rephrasing the sentence
I should say that we're the same. Although I love to watch sports games, I don't play any of them at all not because I don't want to, I just don't have any skill for those. How about you?

I think it's one good way to enjoy sports. I love to watch art sports, such as figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics. Actually, I took rhythmic gymnastics lessons when I was an elementary school student.


I think it's a good way to enjoy sports. I love to watch art sports, such as figure skating and rhythmic gymnastics. Actually, I took rhythmic gymnastics lessons when I was an elementary school student.

1. Use "a" when referring to a singular noun
Oh, that's interesting to hear. And when did you actually stop? Would you like to do it again or not?

I stopped rhythmic gymnastics when I was eleven years old. I don't plan to do it again but I will continue to love rhythmic gymnastics.


When I stopped rhythmic gymnastics I was eleven years old. I don't plan to do it again but I will continue to love rhythmic gymnastics.

1. This is an alternative way of rephrasing the sentence
  • swingman(二つ以上のポジションをこなせる選手)
  • press(~を押す、プレスを掛ける)
  • screen(間仕切り、ついたて、(スポーツの)スクリーン)
  • backboard(背板、裏板、(バスケットボールの)バックボード)
  • rebound(跳ね返る、反発する、(リバウンドボールを)取る)
  • overtime(時間外に、時間外の、超過時間)
  • dunk(液体に付ける、ダンク・シュートする)
  • dribble(ドリブルする)
  • hoop(輪、輪状のもの、バスケットボールのリング)
  • buzzer(ブザー、汽笛)
  • The other team's full court press is killing us.(相手チームのフルコートプレスにやられています。)
  • I definitely need to improve on my free throw average.(僕は絶対にフリースローの成功率を上げる必要がある。)
  • We're allowing them too many easy layups.(簡単なレイアップ・ショットを許し過ぎた。)
  • I had a basketball in my hands since I was 3 years old.(私は3歳の時からバスケットボールを手にしている。(3歳からバスケをしている))
  • Where did you learn that "behind the back" pass?(その「ビハインド・ザ・バック」のパスはどこで覚えたのですか?)
  • The coach said that we need to be more aware of the shot clock.(監督からは「ショットクロックをもっと意識してほしい」と言われました。)
  • When I was growing up, Michael Jordan was my hero.(私が子供のころ、マイケル・ジョーダンは私のヒーローでした。)
  • After watching the other team practicing, this game is a slam dunk.(相手チームの練習を観た後、この試合は簡単に勝てると分かります。)
  • I was definitely not double dribbling when I was called out for it.(審判に止められたとき、僕は絶対にダブルドリブルはしていなかった。)
  • Your jump shot to beat the buzzer yesterday was a beauty to behold!(昨日のブザーを破ってのジャンプショットは圧巻でしたね。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • スポーツの話