
Playing soccer with foreigners
Wow, you are such a good soccer player! How long have you been playing?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
Wow, you are such a good soccer player! How long have you been playing?

Thank you very much. I have been playing it for 10 years. When I was an Elementary school, I watched professional soccer games on the ground. I want to join soccer club.


Thank you very much. I have been playing it for 10 years. When I was an elementary school student, I watched professional soccer games at the stadium. It made me want to join a soccer club.

1 shouldn't be capitalized
2 should say when you were a student or when you were in elementary school
3 better word choice, games are played at a stadium
4 added for better expression, watching games made you want to...
5 article needed with noun 'club'
Sport is good for our physical fitness and mental health, it's a good idea to join an academy which will groom you to be a professional player. Who is your soccer role model?

I don't have a particular favorite player! But one of my friends really likes Nadal.So when he appears in the news, I pay a little attention.


I don't have a particular favorite player! However, one of my friends really likes Nadal, so when he appears in the news, I pay a little attention.

1 try not to start a sentence with 'but' conjunction
2 better to make it one sentence for smoother flow
Isn't Nadal a tennis player? Do you sometimes watch tennis with your friend? I've heard that baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. Do you like it?

Yes Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan.I like baseball, especially high school baseball.


Yes, baseball is the most popular sport in Japan. I like baseball, especially high school baseball.

1 better to make it one sentence
  • goalkeeper(ゴールキーパー)
  • timeout(一時休止、中断)
  • linesman(線審、副審)
  • regulation(規則、法規、法令)
  • passion(情熱)
  • tackle(〔フットボール〕タックルする)
  • league(同盟、連盟、競技連盟、仲間)
  • pastime(気晴らし、娯楽)
  • tournament(トーナメント)
  • obsession(強迫観念、妄想)
  • Although I can play all positions, I think I'm best at being a midfielder.(どのポジションでもできるけれど、僕はミッドフィルダーが一番うまいと思う。)
  • Did you know that soccer is the world's most popular sport with over 250 million players?(サッカーは2億5千万人以上の人がプレイしている世界で最も人気のあるスポーツだと知っていましたか。)
  • If the score is tied at the end of the game, I hope we don't have to settle for a draw.(もし、試合終了時に同点であれば、引き分けで終わってほしくないです。)
  • I'm sure that he touched the ball with his hand before scoring, but the referee didn't see it.(得点前にボールを手で触ったのは確かだが、レフリーはそれを見ていない。)
  • I've been playing soccer for as long as I can remember.(私は物心ついたときからサッカーをしていました。)
  • The opposing team has been reprimanded in the past for several league violations.(相手チームは過去に何度かリーグ違反で叱責を受けています。)
  • My father, who is usually mild mannered, goes into a frenzy whenever he watches a soccer match on television.(お父さんは普段温厚な人なんですが、テレビでサッカーの試合観戦するときはいつも狂乱状態になる。)
  • Do you have an extra shin guard that I can borrow since I broke mine during the game?(自分のを試合の最中に壊しちゃったので、僕が借りられる余分の脛当ては持っている?)
  • I've already been "booked" once, so I need to be careful from this point on.(僕はイエローカードを1回くらっているので、これから気をつけなきゃ。)
  • Playing soccer is a family tradition that I plan to continue with my own children.(サッカーは家族の伝統であり、自分の子供たちにも続けていきたいと思っています。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • スポーツの話