
Talking about how to properly store foods
This was in the fridge for 5 days. Do you think it's still good?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
This was in the fridge for 5 days. Do you think it's still good?

That's fine. It's a fermented food. Do you check a expiration day when you buy productes? Some grocery stores apply the dynamic pricing system on thier commodities.


It's fine. It's a fermented food. Do you check the expiration date when you buy products? Some grocery stores apply the dynamic pricing system on their commodities.

1. Add the definite article 'the' since you are referring to a specific group or date.
2. Alternative expression.
3. and 4. Spellcheck.
I do check the expiration date. What's this dynamic pricing system that you are talking about? I don't think I know it.

The price changes depending on supply and demand. When the supply is a great demand which depend on season, the day, an expiration day, or a time zone, the price goes up. When the supply is a small demand, the price goes down.
For example, When the expiration day gets close, the price goes down automatically on a shelf. Some stores do it by hands to put the discount seal on the product and customer applies the discount at a cashier.


The price changes depending on supply and demand. When the product is in great demand depending on the season, the day, expiration date, or a time zone, the price goes up. When the product's demand is low, the price goes down.
For example, When the expiration date gets close, the price goes down automatically on a shelf. Some stores do it by hand by putting the discount seal on the product and the customer applies for a discount at the cashier.

1. and 2. I think this is what you meant to say, as the price can't go down if the supply decreases, instead the price goes up when the product is in great demand with low supply and prices go down when the supply of the product increases or when it is not in great demand.
3. Use the singular noun in this expression.
4. Add the definite article 'the' when referring to something specific.
I see. That's a clever system. It ensures that the products will be bought. Is there another system?

No reason is necessary. Let's figure it out.


There is no reason in particular. No other system is necessary. 

1. Your answer is not corresponding with the question you were asked. This is what I think you could have said.
  • contamination(汚染、汚濁)
  • bacteria(バクテリア、細菌)
  • fermentation(発酵)
  • airtight((名)食品の缶詰 (形)気密の、密閉した)
  • salvage((名)救助 (動)救い出す)
  • salmonella(サルモネラ菌)
  • spoilage(駄目にすること)
  • refrigeration(冷却、冷凍)
  • E.coli(大腸菌)
  • curdle(凝固する、腐る、凝固される、腐らせる)
  • Milk should always be refrigerated to prevent spoilage.(牛乳は腐らないように冷蔵庫にいつも保管すべきです。)
  • The symptoms of salmonella include diarrhea, vomiting, chills, and painful headaches.(サルモネラ菌にあたったときの症状は、下痢、吐き気、寒気、そしてひどい頭痛です。)
  • When cutting, cooking, and storing raw chicken, make sure that you clean everything very carefully.(生の鶏肉を切る、料理する、保管するときに、とても注意深くすべてが清潔かどうか確かめなさい。)
  • Many people don't know that if they don't refrigerate their cooking oil, it can get rancid quite quickly.(食用油を冷蔵しておかないと、すぐに腐ってしまうことを知らない人も多いでしょう。)
  • As a bachelor, my rule of thumb is: if it doesn't smell bad, it's good to eat.(独身者の私の経験則では、「臭くなければ食べても大丈夫」です。)
  • Airtight plastic containers are a must in every kitchen.(密閉プラスチック容器はどこのキッチンでも必需品です。)
  • One of the best ways to ensure that your family is eating the freshest foods is to rotate eating your food in the refrigerator and pantry.(家族が新鮮なものを確実に食べるための最良の方法の一つは、冷蔵庫や食料庫にある食品を並び変えることです。)
  • Once you thaw frozen food, you should never refreeze any portion of it again.(一旦食品を解凍すると、その一部分でも再冷凍をしてはいけない。)
  • You can keep food frozen for an unlimited time, but you should eat it as soon as possible because its quality will deteriorate over time.(冷凍食品は無期限に保存できますが、時間が経つと品質が劣化するので、できるだけ早く食べてください。)
  • Different vegetables have different storage requirements due to their unique characteristics.(野菜はその特性上、保存条件が異なります。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 料理の話