
Talking about cookware and cooking utensils
You're such a great cook! What special tools do you use?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
You're such a great cook! What special tools do you use?

Thank you. Nothing special though if only I placed them in this lunch box. This food presentation makes it delicious. Many people bring their lunch with a presentation like this. It's said 'Chara-Ben' in Japanese. It means this homemade lunch box contains food decorated to look like cute characters from anime. Chara-Ben's an abbreviation for character bento.
A long time ago, rice balls'er our main meal for lunch. Then our lunch box was a bamboo leaf. Rice balls were filled in a bamboo leaf when people bring out their lunch. What do you use for bringing your meal for lunch?


Thank you. Nothing special though if only I placed them in this lunch box. This food presentation makes it look delicious. Many people bring their lunch with a presentation like this. It's called 'Chara-Ben' in Japanese. It means this homemade lunch box contains food decorated to look like cute characters from anime. Chara-Ben's an abbreviation for character bento.
A long time ago, rice balls were our main meal for lunch. Then our lunch box was a bamboo leaf. Rice balls were filled in a bamboo leaf when people bring out their lunch. What do you use for bringing your meal for lunch?

1. This verb makes your expression clearer.
2. This is the appropriate verb to use in this sentence.
3. I am assuming this is what you meant to say.
I carry a lunch box too with little compartments for the different types of food that I carry, but nothing fancy like your anime characters.

There are so many different sizes and functional lunchboxes that are sold. Above all, there is a foldable lunch box in the market. You can bring your favorite meal for your lunch, and it is light to carry.
I used to dislike to bring a lunchbox in my bag. So I made rice balls filled with food such as Japanese omelet or meatballs. For the reason. my rice balls were huge. My former colleagues were surprised by them.


There are so many different sizes and functions for the lunchboxes that are sold. Above all, there is a foldable lunch box in the market. You can bring your favorite meal for your lunch, and it is light to carry.
I used to dislike to bring a lunchbox in my bag. So I made rice balls filled with food such as Japanese omelet or meatballs. For that reason, my rice balls were huge. My former colleagues were surprised by them.

1. Here is a clearer way to put your sentence.
2. This is the correct determiner to use in this sentence.
Wow. You must be a great cook too. Does every body carry their lunch to the office? Please tell me about that?

It was a small office, and we had lunch meeting weekday but weekend. I want to get skills to be a keen cook.
If I got an apron, I would like to wear it when I cook and there are many utensils in the kitchen. My mother collects them. When she was making stew, she used a drop-lid in a strew pan. I was looking at the process then I looked down the drop-lid. Some pigs are decorated on it. That was fun because we say it 'Otoshi-Buta' in Japanese. Buta is a homophone of pig.


It was a small office, and we had lunch meetings during weekdays and weekends. I want to get the skills to be a keen cook.
If I got an apron, I would like to wear it when I cook and there are many utensils in the kitchen. My mother collects them. When she was making stew, she used a drop-lid in a strew pan. I was looking at the process then I looked down the drop-lid. Some pigs are decorated on it. That was fun because we say it 'Otoshi-Buta' in Japanese. Buta is a homophone of a pig.

1.I'm assuming this is what you meant to say.
2. This determiner was missing in your sentence.
3.. This determiner was missing in your sentence.
It's nice that you watched your mother cooked. I used to do that as well when I was a kid. I would like to learn how to decorate the dishes.

Once if I care about food presentation, I will suppose to need to know about plates.
Do you care about plates?


If I care about food presentation, I will need to know about plates.
Do you care about plates?

1. This is a clearer way to express your idea.
Well, not really. For me plates are just simple plates. Some are expensive some are not. I guess it's really fascinating in your country to notice such simple detail and turn it into a delgithful piece of art.

There are many different country's plates are imported at department store as well.


There are many different country's plates that are imported at the department store as well.

1. Here is a clearer way to express your idea.
  • bakeware(耐熱皿)
  • saucepan(ソースパン、片手鍋)
  • cleaver(大包丁)
  • steamer(蒸気機関、蒸し器、せいろ)
  • griddle((名)円形の鉄板 (動)グリドルで焼く)
  • wok(中華鍋)
  • kitchenware(台所用品)
  • range(幅、範囲、調理用のレンジ、コンロ)
  • spatula(フライ返し、ゴムベラ)
  • skillet(スキレット、小鍋(長い柄のついたやや深めの鍋))
  • I prefer using a simple bamboo steamer that I inherited from my mother.(私は母から受け継いだ素朴な竹の蒸し器を使うのが好きです。)
  • A heavy, non-stick fry pan is a must in every kitchen.(重くてくっつかないフライパンはどの台所でも必需品です。)
  • My pressure cooker saves me a lot of time and effort.(私の圧力鍋は時間と労力を節約してくれます。)
  • Most of the pots and pans found in my kitchen are made of copper.(私のキッチンにある鍋やフライパンは、ほとんどが銅でできています。)
  • You should treat all cookware with kid gloves.(全ての調理器具は慎重に扱うべきです。)
  • Nothing beats a cast iron wok for stir-frying.(炒め物には鋳鉄製の中華鍋が最適です。)
  • Most people don't realize that the choice of materials for cookware has a significant effect on its thermal conductivity.(ほとんどの人は、調理器具の素材の選択が熱伝導率に大きく影響することを知りません。)
  • It's not so much what you use, but how you use it.(何を使うかと言うよりいかに使うかが大事だ。)
  • A large stock pot is versatile enough to cook almost anything.(大きなスープ鍋は、ほとんどの料理に対応できる汎用性があります。)
  • Non-stick cookware is gaining in popularity because they don't require fattening oil to prevent food from sticking.(焦げ付かない調理器具は、食材のこびりつきを防ぐために太い油を必要としないことから、人気が高まっています。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 料理の話