
Talking about the different ways to properly prepare a meal
This is very delicious! How did you prepare it?
Best Teacherで実際に行われている直近のWritingレッスンです。
This is very delicious! How did you prepare it?

It's a kind of grapefruit, peal citrus' sugared peels. I peeled the fruit, boiled the rind four times, and thus extracted all the bitterness from it. I put the same amount of sugar and boiled citrus peel in the pan and simmer until it becomes a sticky syrup.


It's a kind of grapefruit, peal citrus' sugared peels. I peeled the fruit, boiled the rind four times, and thus extracted all the bitterness from it. I put the same amount of sugar and boiled citrus peel in the pan and simmer until it becomes a sticky syrup.

1. "From it" may be unnecessary in this sentence because you already mentioned what you did (what fruit did you use).
This sounds like quite a process right. How long does it take to prepare all these things and cook up the whole meal?

Are you asking how long the sugared peels take to finish cooking or preparing the whole meal?


Do you want to know how long the sugared peels take to finish cooking or preparing the whole meal?

1. Your sentence was completely correct, that is why I will offer you an alternative way of writing it.
I was actually asking about how long it takes to prepare the whole meal but I wouldn't mind knowing the details in regard to particular phases of preparation.

I see. It takes about an hour to cook. However, it's easy to cook using a kitchen timer. I cleaned up the air conditioner filters during that time.


I see. It takes about an hour to cook. However, it's easy to cook using a kitchen timer. While waiting, I cleaned up the air conditioner filters.

1. Your sentences were completely correct, that is why I will offer you an alternative way of writing it.
  • broil(〔直火で肉を〕焼く)
  • saute((名)いため物(料理)、ソテー  (動)~をソテー[いため物]にする)
  • condiment(香辛料、調味料)
  • baste((名)〔肉をあぶるときにかける〕たれ (動)〈肉などに〉バター[たれ]などをかけながら焼く)
  • peel((名)皮 (動)皮をむく)
  • simmer((名)ぐつぐつ[ことこと]煮る[煮える]こと (動)ぐつぐつ[ことこと]煮える、煮る)
  • grill((名)焼き網、鉄板 (動)直火で焼く、網焼きにする)
  • fillet((名)〔魚・肉の骨なしの〕切り身、開き身、ヒレ肉  (動)〔魚・肉を〕切り身にする 〔魚を〕三枚におろす)
  • scale(規模、スケール)
  • debone(~から骨を取る)
  • In America, many families have huge freezers to store pre-cooked food that just have to be reheated before serving.(アメリカでは、多くの家庭に巨大な冷凍庫があり、料理を出す前に温め直しただけの調理済み食品を保管しています。)
  • I like to cook vegetables in big batches so I can eat them as side dishes and snacks in addition to adding them to my favorite recipes.(私は野菜を1回にまとめて調理するのが好きです。私のお気に入りのレシピに加えて副食やおやつとしても食べることができるからです。)
  • I like to saute some sweet onions before adding them to the stew.(甘い玉ねぎをシチューに加える前に炒めるのが好きです。)
  • The reason why my pie crusts are so good is because I bake them initially without the filling.(私のパイ生地がとてもおいしいのは、最初に中に何もいれずに焼くからです。)
  • The salmon needs to be deboned before marinating overnight.(一晩マリネにする前に鮭の骨を取る必要があります。)
  • Since I live alone, I prep for the entire week's meals on Sunday afternoon.(一人暮らしなので、日曜日の午後に一週間分の食事の下ごしらえをします。)
  • The key to a great dish is, of course, getting the freshest ingredients.(美味しい料理の秘訣は、もちろん最も新鮮な食材を手に入れることです。)
  • Before preparing any meal, be sure that your kitchen is clean and your counters are clear of any clutter.(食事の準備をする前に、キッチンがきれいになっているか、カウンターが片付いているか確認してください。)
  • My friends think I'm crazy, but I refrigerate a lot of rice and reheat small amounts throughout the week.(友達は私のことをおかしいと思っていますが、私は大量のご飯を冷蔵庫に入れておき一週間のうちに少量ずつ温め直しています。)
  • In America, many families have huge freezers to store precooked food that just have to be reheated before serving.(アメリカでは、多くの家庭がとても大きな冷凍庫を持っていて出す前に温めるだけの調理済み食料を保存しています。)


  • 日常
  • 中級
  • ホームステイ
  • 料理の話